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We were docked on this large spaceship Teiwaz operates from. It's more like a space station I think. Most of the crew stayed behind including me. Mikazuki went with them and since Orga said Kudelia was under Tekkadans protection I didn't have to look out for her anymore so I was ordered to...

Kiba:I didn't receive any...that means I'm done right?

I was sitting on top of Kaiser. I felt the urge to jump and slam myself into the floor but then-

Nana:hey one eye!

I looked down and saw Nana floating up toward me smiling. That smile...she had been following me around fronthe past five days or so if I'm honest she's actually the person I've been hanging around the most. She keeps coming to see me and sometimes we train but I can never recreate that feeling. But seeing her smile is...comforting and doesn't make me want to...end it.

Nana:what's with that face? You look more depressed than usual. What happened to that idiot maniac that tried to best me to death a few day's ago?

I did wonder why she kept showing up.

Kiba:why do you keep following me?

She crossed her arms and legs and floated upside down in front of me.

Nana:cause your hot as fuck and...I find you incredibly interesting

Kiba:really? Me?

Nana:yeah, a guy with a massive scar across his right eye, has no memory of his past and acts completely emotionless outside of a real fight...yeah I've noticed how you act in training it's nothing like what we had

Kiba:I know...if I'm honest it was the only time I ever felt alive, for as long as I remember I've never felt whenever I didn't have something to focus on I tried to end it

Nana:woah, woah, woah...really?

I nodded.

Nana:so that's why your suicidal. Your lost

Kiba:I don't think-

Nana:yeah you have no purpose. No goal... if you got no goal what's the point in living right?

Kiba:so..what should I do? goal is to find someone


Nana:someone to love

Kiba:love? what Atra feels toward Mikazuki.

Nana:do you...know what that is?

I shook my head.

Nana:christ you had a sad child hood. So did I

She floated next to me.

Nana:it was shit for awhile and then I thought if I can find someone as strong and as stupid as me, someone that can love me and I can love them then...we could take on the whole world together so I say start there

Kiba:but I thought you were one of Naze's wives?


She laughed.

Nana:hell no! I'm 18 and that guys like what 30? Nah I'm more into someone around my age, black hair, jacked like a Greek God

She looked at me in the eyes.

Nana:and y'know a big fuck off scar on his right side covering his eye?

Kiba:hope you find what your looking for


Shino:hey Kiba!

I looked down and saw the older kids.

Shino:Orga got us food! Good shit at a restaurant! Come on!


I turned back to Nana.

Kiba:sorry Nana I-

Nana:guys night? I get it go have fun

I left.


I watched him float away.

Nana:is he an idiot or that oblivious? Oh well...I'll get him eventually, I can wait


Orga:order what you want! Tonight we party!

Everyone cheered except me and Mikazuki. We just kept eating. Orga was sick and we had to leave with him.

Shino:hey Kiba you got a chick from Turbine right? How'd you do it?

Kiba:what do you mean?

Shino:that crazy chick Nana! She's so hot dude your lucky

I felt angry at him for saying that.

Kiba:she's not like that...

I like her smile though.

Shino:so she's free game?



Shino:but you-


My voice surprised everyone even me.

Kiba:I hitting the sack

I walked away back to the ship. What the hell has that girl done to me?


The next day when I went down to see Kaiser it was stripped apart by Engineers. I found a fee of our guys watching.

Kiba:Oldman this better not screw with Kaiser

Oldman:they said they'd improve it. If they ruin it don't blame us

Kiba:trust me I won't

The engineer laughed.

Kiba:what's so funny?

Kiba:Kaiser is truly a wonder of engineering! This Mobile Suit while it isn't as old as the Barbatos might be even more powerful! It's strength and its speed is amazing! It was made as an experimental weapon for the Alaya-Vijnana System but it went rouge and nearly killed its pilot

I started seeing things...things I can't explain. But Kaiser was there.

Kiba:make sure it's not damaged

Engineer:I'd never dream of it! Improvements only!

This guy better not mess up my Kaiser. I then felt a weight on my back followed by two arms around my neck and choke me.


Kiba:Nana get off me or your brain matter will stain the wall

Nana:why aren't you there!?

I threw her over me and held her in front.

Kiba:it's boring

Nana:your boring

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