The Form of Closeness

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Me, Mikazuki and Akihiro were eating some food made by Atra.

Atra:I'm glad you three are back safe

Mikazuki:yeah it was rough. Thanks Akihiro your a good pilot man

Akihiro:yeah well my machine got pretty roughed up. Kiba yours too?


I continued to eat.

Kiba:may I have seconds please?

Atra was a little surprised.

Atra:oh sure! There's plenty left

Kiba:thank you

I continued. I couldn't stop thinking about that fight and that feeling. After I finished seconds I found myself running toward the hanger. When I arrived I found the Oldman, Orga and Mikazuki.


I looked up at them on Barbatos.

Kiba:did negotiations go as planned?

Orga:sure did. We got a meeting with Teiwaz boss


I then saw Kaiser.

Oldman:sorry Kiba. We don't have alot of parts to for Kaiser

Kiba:does it still function?

Oldman:huh well yeah we patched it uo as good as we could but the right arm needs new parts and your weapon is completely destroyed

Kiba:that's fine...I'll make due

TIMESKIP brought to you by chibi Kiba finally meeting Nana.


Over the next fee day's the Tekkadan visited the Turbines ship. One day Mikazuki, Akihiro and Kiba decided to visit them for training.


He came out the train Suit.

Azze:you won't win if your all worked up

Lofter came out the other one.

Lofter:I'll play with you again later big guy!

Nana was tapping her foot furiously.

Nana:where the hell is thay Kiba guy!? You said he'd be here!

She pointed at Mikazuki.

Mikazuki:I don't control what he does. He said he'd show so he'll show

Just then the doors at the other end of the catwalk opened. Kiba for once was wearing the black pilot suit. He had his combat pants and boots on over it eith his jacket over his shoulders.

Kiba:sorry I'm late this things tight to-


She pushed herself toward him and stopped once she was closer but then she fully saw his body and face.

Nana:oh my god...

Azze:oh no...

Nana:HE'S HOT!

Kiba looked down at her.

Kiba:your Nana?

Nana:bet your chiselled abbs I am. Seriously you can grate meat of those...

Kiba moved his head down to her.

Kiba:let's pick up where we left

Nana:bring it on hot stuff~

Azze grabbed her by the ear.

Azze:that's enough Nana!

Nana:ow! Okay,okay! But you have to admit he's hot!

Azze:Lofter get the straight jacket

Lofter:I'm on it

She floated away.

Akihiro:and I thought she was crazy


She stopped struggling.


Kiba:I like your smile

He floated past leaving Nana confused.


Azze:come on

She dragged her.

Nana:ah! Come on I hate the straight jacket!

Later she was sitting on the bar watching Tekkadans ship from a window in a straight jacket.

Later she was sitting on the bar watching Tekkadans ship from a window in a straight jacket

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Nana:I am so gonna hit that

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