Beyond the Red Sky

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I was up late looking at Kaiser.

Kiba:you're really something aren't you? Why do I know you?

I don't know why but I could remember seeing this I was seeing its past battles. It was brutal, the things I saw would shake any hardened soldier...but not me. Because I've been through it worse than anyone here.

Kiba:only I'm strong enough to wield you Kaiser...don't forget that...

I fell asleep after awhile longer. I woke up with the sun in my face. Kaiser was gone.

???:Hey Kiba

I turned to see Orga.

Orga:come on. We got a job to do remember

I stood up.

Kiba:where's Kaiser?

Orga:woah take it easy. You sounded like you were worried...

Did I? I didn't notice.

Kiba:sorry Orga I'm sure Kaiser's fine. Are we leaving?

TIMESKIP brought to you by chibi Kiba and Kaiser.


We took off from Mars and arrived in space.

Kudelia:so after this we dock and wait for the rendezvous ship right?

Biscuit:yup. Orcus' low orbit transport ship should be waiting for us

I noticed the Orcus ship.

Kiba:that's it right?

Orga:their here early...

We then saw a Gjallarhorn and Mobile Suits flying toward us.


Todo:hey! Listen he didn't say anything about Gjallarhorn to me!

He got on the comms and we heard he was in on the ambush.

Orga:Kiba...don't kill him

The others held him.

Kiba:no promises

I cracked my knuckles.

Todo:no!no! I'm sorry alright! I'm sorry! Get away from me you fucking psycho-!



He walked to a terminal.

Buscuit:Mikazuki your up!

Mikazuki:got it

He was in his Mobile Suit and killed one Graze unit. Kiba was...let's just say there's blood on the seats.

Orga:finally. Their here let's go

The new Tekkadan ship arrived covering them. They boarder and went to the bridge.

Orga:talk to me!

Pilot:the Orcus ships up our asses. Trying to punch holes in us

Orga:is Kiba's early birthday present ready?

Pilot:it's in the hanger


He turned to them.

Orga:we took the opportunity to send Kaiser up before we left, it's ready and waiting in the hanger

Kiba:thanks sir

I floated passed.

Atra:stay safe Kiba

Kiba:I got it. I'll bring Mika home

When he got there he saw the Graze they got being readied.

Kiba:Oldman who's going for that one?

Oldman:Akihiro's joining you out there I'll send you both out at once

Kiba:got it

He went in and hooked himself into Kaiser.

Kiba:we'll end this together...

Once Akihiro was ready we launched. Kiba launched with his axe and Akihiro took Mikazuki's mace. Once they were out Mikazuki was almost killed but thanks to Akihiro throwing him his weapon they killed the leader. Kiba blasted upward to Mikazuki.

Kiba:Mika you good?

Mikazuki:yeah...time to thin the herd

He gave his cannon to Akihiro.

Mikazuki:Kiba let's go


They went out. One Graze went straight for Kiba.


Kiba blocked the attack.

Kiba:Mika I'll catch up!

Ein:I'll kill you for heat you did to Lieutenant Crank!


He hesitated to strike Kiba and he took the chance ripping off a thruster and then throwing his axe in his arm. Kiba grabbed it and kicked him off and he floated lifelessly.


He blasted off toward him. He was fighting two of them and Kiba ran into the purple one.

???:if you give up we'll make sure your treated fairly!

Kiba:no can do. I got orders

???:wait a minute...your that kid from the Farm!

Kiba:oh your with chocolate man aren't you?

Gaelio:I'm Gaelio Bauduin! You dakn Martians go back to Mars!

He tried throwing him but Kiba was able to reverse it and send him flying. They also caught a ride on Tekkadans ship as it went past.

Mikazuki:that was Choclate man in the blue one

Kiba:I know...

Kiba caught himself smiling at the thought of what he did. He composed himself.

Kiba:let's just get inside

After they docked the cree scrambled to repair the suits and Eugene's Worker.

Kiba:I'm tired...

He smiled again.

Kiba:I can't wait to do that again...

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