chapter 6

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The Horn of Heimdallr consumed a heavy amount of chakra, Naruto noted. He could call the horn, or focus its powerful sound to channel down his sword or other weapons to make jutsu fall apart.

The second way cost far less chakra.

Naruto vanished the horn back to the Vault, and then smiled slightly. He'd shown his team his abilities and they really respected him, even Asuma-sensei... honestly, he wasnt used to people respecting his skills other than Emiya. I wonder what he's up to?

"Hey brat." Naruto jumped forward, spinning and drawing his sword from the Vault instantly. Then recognized Emiya and groaned.

Emiya was leaning against the wall with a smirk and his orange katana at his side. "Ready for another lesson?"

Naruto shrugged and replied, "Sure but not out here, we could hurt someone."

___________at a training ground near the village__________

"Why this training ground?" Naruto asked, falling into a ready stance.

Emiya cracked his neck. "Attention."

As Naruto raised an eyebrow, Emiya moved. His katana vanished and his light bow took its place.

"Wow, when do I get the bow?" He asked Emiya, who made a face, Naruto grimaced, "I know, I know, when I earn it..."

Naruto pulled at the essence of Hermes, speeding up his perception. He breathed out a breath of cool air as he watched the light arrow crawl towards him. You got this!

Naruto grinned and nodded at his rings words.

Then he began using his sword, with his horns ability to knock the light arrows aside, they started dissolving on impact.

Naruto didnt have even a seconds worth of reprieve because of the sheer speed of the arrows.

His essence had began to increase, letting him see even faster, but he was still not prepared for the next move.

Power crackled for a fraction of an instant and Emiya was suddenly in front of him, fist in his gut.

The blow threw him back, but thanks to the Steel running through his veins he hardly felt it.

The young blonde stabbed his sword into the ground to stop himself, and looked up. Emiya was gone.

Behind you!

Naruto was already moving on instinct, swinging his katana around.

There was s clash of steel and a shockwave that blasted the dust away from the two fighters.

Naruto and Emiya pressed their katanas against each others blade, both calling the mighty strength of Steel to gain the upper hand. Emiya was holding his sword with one hand though.

The ground beneath them started to separate as their bodies refused to give.

Then Emiya changed his grip and twisted his blade around, Naruto lost balance, but recovered quickly enough to deflect the next strike.

Naruto cursed as a black metal gauntlet appeared over Emiya's left hand and he grabbed at Naruto. Naruto felt a wave of exhaustion as the metallic fingers got close to his skin.

Careful, the gauntlet drains chakra!

"Not helping!" Naruto replied frantically.

Emiya grinned and made a fist, all the grass within a few feet of him turned dry and died in an instant. Then the gauntlet vanished and a spear took its place. His katana vanished along with the gauntlet and Naruto groaned.

"Be grateful, Naruto. I have only gotten to use this spear twice." He told the blonde. Naruto's eyes widened when Emiya didnt call him brat... he had earned his respect.

Naruto crouched low and closed his eyes. He pulled at all of his abilities at once.

Time slowed to a crawl, his strength far exceeded the levels they ever had, and the pain of the bruises on his body faded away in an instant.

Naruto's eyes turned yellow and he could feel something calling to him. Something deep, and exceedingly powerful. Wage war. Earn victory.

Emiya hurled the spear with such force that the thunderclap shook the village. The ground at his feet broke apart and it turned sand to glass in its powerful wake.

No! Naruto, don't li-

Very good! You may one day become one of my chosen Incarnations.

Naruto felt heat explode within him and his body moved on it's own. He reached up with both hands and caught the spear, the force drove him back but he wasnt hit. He stopped the spear and threw it down, his shirt actually caught fire but he couldnt feel it.

He took a step towards Emiya, who looked beyond shocked. "You were supposed to dodge, how did you-," his eyes widened as Naruto's power began to burn even hotter and he summoned the Horn of Heimdallr.

He blew as hard as he could and the power was washed away from Naruto like water on a fire. He fell to his knees, his body drained of a huge amount of chakra and his muscles torn. He had to focus on his healing to be fix his muscles before he could so much as stand.

"Hey, are you okay?" Emiya walked over, still holding the black horn.

Naruto breathed out shakily, "Yeah, I think so... what was that?"

"Incarnation. I've never actually seen it before, but some of us able to use the powers of the Vault can access the power of he that created the Vault. Its said to be some kind of god now, and you almost just became a living avatar for it. You'll need to be careful." Emiya put a hand on his shoulder, "If you Incarnate, you'll become immensely powerful, but at the cost of your soul... so try not to do that."

"I... I think I heard it talk..." Naruto told him about the voice silencing Sky, his advisor, and Emiya nodded, "That makes sense. The Crimson Dragon's telepathy would be stronger than our adviser's and would drown them out."

"You are both under arrest!" A group of shinobi had surrounded them, each with white masks that hid their faces.

Naruto stood angrily, "Why? We havent done anything."

"Namikaze-sama, the man you are with is in the bingo book as the S-class threat Crimson Swordsman, and the fight you two just had shattered the windows in the area. Not to mention the damage you two did to the training ground." The leader stepped forward and unsheathed a short sword.

Emiya grinned and his katana appeared, "Awww, the little ninja thinks himself a swordsman."

Naruto looked back and forth, realizing exactly how south this could go. "Alright, everybody wait a second!"


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