chapter 5

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Naruto groaned unhappily. All that not paying attention in class had just bit him firmly on his butt. He was labeled the 'Dead Last'. Oh well, at least he passed.

He looked out the window, waiting for his new sensei. He was on a team with Kiba Inuzuka and Hinata Hyuuga. His jonin sensei was A guy named Asuma, the son of the third Hokage.

Thanks to him barely paying attention, he barely knew any of his new teammates, but he did know one thing. Hinata had average scores and Kiba's written scores were a bit better than his.

All the while Arashi got placed with Sasuke Uchiha and Sakura Haruno, the two next best scorers, with Shisui Uchiha as their sensei. His father had yet again given Arashi everything.

At least the girl and dog are cute.

Naruto ignored his advisor, and a man with a beard walked into the room. He was muscular for a ninja, and had deep brown eyes. "Team five, follow me."


"Alright kids, before we do anything, I want a basic rundown of who you are and what you can do." Asuma told them, leaning against the railing of the roof.

Kiba spoke up first, "Kiba Inuzuka. This is my partner Akamaru. We specialize I n.v our clan ninjutsu."

Naruto crossed his arms, "I'm Naruto Uzumaki-," Asuma blinked when he didnt say Namikaze, but refrained from saying anything, "-I fight with weapons and special abilities found in the Crimson Vault."

Asuma's cigarette fell out of his mouth, "The Crimson Vault? Like the place the Hokage's late wife found her chains?"

Okay, that was news to him. "Uh, I don’t know, maybe. I havent earned a chain power."

Asuma made a mental note to be careful with the blonde. The only things he knew of the vault was that it was an endless set of rooms that each offered a power or weapon meant to help destroy people who specialized in ninjutsu. Theoretically, there were infinite powers and weapons that could be called from the Vault.

Hinata pressed her fingers together awkwardly. "Ano.... um... my name is H-Hinata Hyuuga... I know jyuuken but I'm... not the best at it."

Asuma took all that in and smiled at them. "I'm Asuma Sarutobi. I'm able to use wind and fire techniques and I recently got out of a pretty rough patch so I requested to be a jonin sensei."

"You mean the Reaper thing, right?" Kiba asked, getting a nod.

"It was discovered that whoever was doing it could use Wind and fire release pretty easily, so many people assumed it was me, given the rarity of wind nature here in Konoha. While I was being interrogated the Reaper struck again so I have a pretty good alibi." He sighed heavily, "Knowing that I was a suspect, and that some still think I did it, are you guys willing to be my students?"

They all nodded, but Naruto realized something interesting. He wondered if he could being someone into the vault with him. Itd make for a hell of a prison considering only him and Emiya could come and go.

"Great, then I think its important to get a good gauge of your skills. We need to fight. No ninjutsu today since we are in town but-,"

Naruto jump up!

He didnt hesitate, he back flipped straight back and landed on the opposite railing as Asuma threw a shuriken and it stuck into his seat.

Asuma blinked, not expecting a genin to have such good reflexes. I need to remember hes got access to the Vault, he probably has all types of special abilities.

Naruto flexed his hand and a katana with a black guard appeared in his left hand. He gripped the sword with his right hand and crouched, accessing the power of Steel to make himself stronger, he kicked off the railing towards Asuma.

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