Forty-Two: Santiago Family Vacation

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I'm not sure whose idea it was to drive to Disney World, but having a pregnant woman, two rambunctious children, and China in a car was hell. If we weren't stopping for Blue bladder, then we were stopping because King and Belle were being rowdy. Or I was yelling at China to leave Belle, and King alone. We were pulling into the Yellowstone resort when I decided to call Xavier. This trip was stressing me the hell out.

"Where ya'll at?"

"We just pulled up to the resort" I replied, unbuckling Belle and King

I grabbed the bags, and a few other things. Scar grabbed the rest. Aug and Cha hadn't come because he refused to take his baby girl on the road. Cha didn't want to be without Emmy and August. Rafael stayed behind to make sure nothing popped off, but we had a private jet on standby just in case.

Mom, Jenn, and the kids deserved this mini trip. They have all been through a lot so far. Especially Lani, Belle, and Scar.

"Well the third floor is all ours. Just tell the receptionist you all, are the rest of the Santiago party that was coming." He stated.

"Alright bruh, I'll come holla at you and preggo once we get settled in the rooms" I replied, ending the phone call.

1 hour later


"China, leave them damn kids alone before I whoop your ass"

"Ooh daddy, you custard it" Belle squealed, pointing at me.

"You better not say that either" I stated, giving her a stern look.

She nodded and ran to catch up with King, and held his hand.

We were all making our way from Alice in Wonderland to Animation Academy.

"Scar, King and Belle touching me" China whined, jumping up and down.

"Are not" they yelled in unison.

Truly, they really weren't touching her. I'm not sure what the hell had her acting two today, but quite frankly I was ready to fight her.

"Ma, please get China. I don't have the patience" I groaned, hiding my face in Lani's neck.

"China, quit messing with these babies before I beat you. You are not too old to get a good ole fashion ass whipping." She warned, crossing her arms.

"You two are such tattle tells" she whispered, sticking her tongue out at them.

"Mamma Lani says, tick, and bones may break my body- but words zon't. And Irma call grounds on chu." King yelled, balling his fist up.

"And I's help Tee-Tee, we's a tunic" Belle chimed in, balling up her fist.

"Ooh, my lil ninjas just came for you. Bruh, they were waiting on you at the do'!" X yelled out, causing us all to laugh.

"King, guess what?" China yelled, making him turn around.

He looked at her for a moment in an intense stare down.

"Cheese Nuts" he shrugged, and kept walking.

Lani was trying to get out my grip.

"Chill ma. I love China, but your sister been begging for that for the longest. We raising lil soldiers. China knows we know nothing about filters." I chuckled, placing a kiss on her cheek.

"Still, King and Belle both know better Scar." she fussed.

"Yeah, they do know better. However, you can only harass kids for so long until they are fed up. King and Belle are fed up, so let them be. Maybe China will leave them alone since they fed her a dose of her own medicine." I retorted, kissing the top of her head.

A comfortable silence surrounded us before I spoke again

"Babe, you know your ass hella short"

"You weren't complaining about my height the week after we met. You were all like Lani, ma... I can be an asshole at times. Let me take you out and prove I'm different" she mocked me.

"First of all, I don't sound like that. Second of all, I said all that, and Third of all...

"Your bullshit is rejected" she giggled

"I'll let you have that just because you cute"

"You better jive turkey"

"I got a turkey leg that's just waiting to get basted later on tonight" I replied, and thrusting my lower half into her butt.

"See you had to have a pervert moment." She chuckled, her face turning red.

"Wouldn't be Scar if I didn't"

I looked up and realized everyone had gone inside to Animation Academy. Leaving us wrapped up in our moment.

"Gimmie some loving"

"What type of loving are you looking for?" she questioned, a small smirk tugging at her lips.

"I was talking about some kisses....I 'on know what you were referring to" I chuckled, looking down at her brown eyes.

Most guys wanted a chick with an exotic eye color. My baby's eyes told a story all on their own. They were almond shaped, and doe eyed. They held a certain sadness- and a happiness all in one.

"Why you staring at me like that Scar?"

"Just trying to figure out, how I was blessed with the most beautiful Disney Princess of them all."

"I'm not a Princess though baby"

"You might not think so, but you are to me. As long as I'm King of the jungle."

"Well, actually....technically nobody like you in the jungle" she laughed, kissing me.

"Nah, don't try to kiss me after you dissed me."

"Scar was just that nigga they didn't fuck with"

"Nah, that nigga was lonely and miserable, but you cute, and cuddly" she smiled, letting her dimples pop out.
"I'm handsome and deadly, talking about a cute and cuddly." I ranted, rolling my eyes.
"Yep, you are Scar." She smirked.
I leaned down and kissed her. She bit my bottom lip, and sucked on it.
"Scar, Lani- bring your butts on, and stop giving these little kids a freak show out here." my mama screamed.
"That's embarrassing " she giggled, placing her face in my chest.
"Ya'll ignoring me? Don't make me grab a switch. You might be 6'6"-but you not above it little boy" she yelled, making us both chuckle.
"Does she do this all the time? And by the look on her face I think she's serious babe" Lani stated.
"Yup, the life of a Santiago Family Vacation with my mama" I chuckled.
As the last chuckle left my lips I felt pain, and it wasn't just any pain. It was the pain only my mama could produce.
"You thought I was playing huh?" She yelled, bending my ear harder.
My shit was gonna be bright red, and bruised when she finally decided to let go.
"Mama, let my ear go! Man, stop playing. Embarrassing me " I groaned.
"You wanna be defiant little boy-you might be grown, but I'm still mama. Lani bring yo fast ass on. Out here sucking face." She fussed, wagging her finger at me.
I couldn't do but laugh because this was truly a hilarious sight. Watching Mama K drag Scar by his ear.
The rest of this trip was going to be quite interesting. I followed behind them laughing uncontrollably.

Hey Babies,
Don't hate me! This has been long overdue. But excuse any mistakes, and I hope you enjoy this chapter. I'm working on the rest of the updates now. Once again, thank you for being patient. The dress that Chris was crying about is in the collage.💜

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