"You cheated!" Hana heard Kai's voice as he pushed his way through the crowd, boiling with anger. "Winning is winning, isn't that what you and your pathetic friends once said?" she laughed, with others joining in her laughter or shouting insults at Kai. "Just accept your loss, besides, I wasn't the only one cheating" she pointed at his car, which was now checked out by some citizens that enjoyed the looks of the vehicle. They agreed with her, showing their find to the others that now circled around the car.

A faint sound of someone shouting through the radio caught Hana's attention, causing her to slide down from her car and hop back inside. Grasping a small microphone, she pressed the right button and asked, "What's happening?" she inquired. "Police! Get out of there, the police are on their way!" she heard the loud response. "Everyone, get out! The police almost arrived," someone shouted from outside, as he overheard the loud conversations among Hana and her friends. Everyone hopped into action, running back to their cars and speeding away at maximum speed. Hana did the same, maneuvering through the roads.

While driving, she noticed Kai's car being followed by a police vehicle, prompting her to give chase and seek cover behind nearby buildings. From her point of view, she noticed Kai escaping and trying to blend in, masking himself as a normal pedestrian out for a nighttime walk. However, his facade was fast to be uncovered when one of the police officers recognized him. The seeking car made a sharp turn, tailing Kai as he dashed through an empty alley. Hana sped up, overtaking Kai and gracefully turning after him, coming to a halt to allow him to enter her car. "Get in, you idiot!" she shouted, frustrated by his obliviousness. He hopped in, barely managing to close the doors before the engine roared to life, pushing the car forward.

"What the hell were you thinking?!" she scolded him, confused by the absurdity of his plan. "What?" he yelled back, turning towards the side of his seat and glancing behind at the chasing car. "How on earth did you believe it would work to walk down the street as if nothing happened?" she questioned him, her eyes fixed back on the road when gunshots rang out and bullets struck her car. "Grab the bag from the back, it has some weapons, and hand one to me," she instructed him, and he obeyed, taking out a gun for himself and passing one to her. "It always worked before, walking as if it wasn't me," he replied, stealing a short glance at her before opening the window and returning fire at the police. "As much as I sometimes wish they were, they're not oblivious. They'll remember your face sooner or later," she laughed at him, her gaze still fixed on the road as she sped through the empty streets.

"We need to find a way to shake them off," he ignored her mockery, keeping his focus on the following police in their white-blue car, accompanied by a few other cars. "Hold on tight," she instructed him, once again speeding up to the car's maximum pace, leaving the vehicles behind. However, to her disappointment, she spotted another police vehicle chasing them from all directions. Hana neatly maneuvered between them, even driving in reverse when she was unable to make another turn to face forward again. She fired a few shots at the police car to the time when bullets hit the front window, causing it to crack and create a web-like pattern that was hard to see through. Despite the situation, she managed to steer, eventually making a turn at the next crossing.

She fixed her gaze on the buildings to their right, silently counting them before swiftly turning and crashing through a closed gate. They found themselves in a backstreet that for her somehow resembled an empty canyon. The sound of engines reverberated through the road as they sped its entire length, leaving the police behind at a fork where they didn't keep up, taking the wrong turn. "Stupid idiots," Kai yelled, sitting comfortably in the car seat. "God, you're the last person I thought would come to help me," he muttered finally having a break after being chased down. "And you're the last person I imagined I would help. But I'm not the type of person to leave people in need on their own," she replied, flashing a warm smile for a second before her expression turned blank again.

"For fucking sake, where are they?" he scoffed after some time, glancing at his phone intermittently. "What? Your friends left you? Not very loyal," she remarked, chuckling darkly, earning another scoff from the boy.

"Hana, are you there?" a voice came through the radio. "Yep, all good here, you?" she responded, pressing the button on the small handy speaker. "Good, where are you now?" came the concerned question. "I'm on the road. Don't worry about me. Go home, and we'll meet tomorrow. It's not safe to gather tonight," she explained, driving through the not-so-lit, empty street. "Okay, see you then, be safe, call if something's wrong," Jia said after a short silence her voice not really convinced by Hana's words "Alright you too" The familiar sound of a disconnected radio echoed in the car, followed by Hana's sigh.

She slowed down, pulling near a convenience store, as she noticed a glimmer of red and blue lights near her apartment. Exiting the car, she closed the driver's door with a loud thud. "Get out of here," she instructed, throwing a spare gun into Kai's hands. "Wait, what's happening?" she heard him ask. "I don't know. The police are at my house. I need to check it out," she said, walking towards her home. "Wait, I'll go with you. It's a different district. They might not recognize me," he suggested. "You don't know why they're here," Hana merely nodded, whispering a hushed "Just don't cause any trouble."

They approached one of the police officers, their gaze fixed on the house, which appeared as if a storm had gone through it. "Excuse me, what's happening here?" she inquired. "I'm sorry, we cannot reveal any information," the officer responded, attempting to go back to patrolling the area. "I live here, Choi Hana." she said, pausing and looking around for a small figure "Where is my brother?" Panic began to creep in as she tremble when she heard someone say the house all cleared, until Kai took her hands in his, helping her steady her breath. "Don't press for answers. A favor for a favor. Let it be," he whispered into her ear when he saw her puzzled expression, moments before the policemen returned with a file.

"Please show me your identification," the police officer requested, and Hana complied. Deep down, she hoped firmly that her a bit-changed appearance would prevent them from being recognized. "I'm sorry, Miss Choi, but I have unfortunate news. Your brother is reported missing," the officer delivered the chilling announcement. The words pierced through Hana's veins, causing her blood to run cold. She clutched Kai's hand tighter, seeking solace in his embrace, although he seemed somewhat hesitant and dissatisfied, he still took her into his arms.


A/N: Well, I'm back... and yeah, I have nothing in my mind now.

I'm waiting for someone who will guess what two films I used in this and the previous chapter 😉

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