Chapter 13

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We continued on to Geosenge town the next day, where we surprisingly met the Shalour City gym leader, Korrina.

After helping her out in Geosenge town to look for a lucarioanite, we parted with her, and she said she was looking forward to my gym challenge once we got to Shalour city.

We continued on our way, going through reflection cave and battling the trainers there. We almost got lost at somepoint, but thanks to Eevee and Meowstic we were able to find our way through the cave easily.

Finally, we had arrived in Shalour city.

Our first stop was the pokemon centre, since me and Lotus both needed to heal up our pokemon.

After that, we tried to go to the gym, but we were told Korrina wasn't there, and was at the tower of mystery, which we couldn't get to just yet. We had to wait until the night when there was a full moon, and luckily for us, there was one that night.

When we went to the tower of mystery, we were told by Korrina's grandfather that she was on the balcony of the tower, training with her Lucario to use mega evolution.

We went up immediately, battling any trainers on the way.

When we finally reached the balcony, Korrina seemed surprised to see us, and then ask me if I could battle her so she could train using mega evolution with her Lucario.

I agreed, and immediately sent out Braixen.

"You can have first move Korrina." I say to her and she nods, immediately mega evolving her Lucario and telling it to use bone rush.

"Counter it with psybeam Braixen!" I say and Braixen nods, firing a psybeam at Lucario, making it stop and stagger back.

"Use power up punch Lucario!" Korrina calls.

"Dodge it Braixen!"

"Use fire spin!" I call, and Braixen obeys immediately, trapping Lucario in a fiery vortex, stopping its movement momentarily, giving us a chance to attack.

"Use psybeam again!" I say, and Braixen does just that.

After a few more attacks, both of our pokemon fainted, and we called it a draw.

Korrina said she was impressed with our battling spirit, and was looking forward to my gym battle with her later that day.

After training a little at the tower of mystery, I finally decided that I was ready to face Korrina, and me and Lotus headed to the gym.

When we got there, Korrina was already waiting with her mienfoo, and welcomed us to the gym.

After the referee announced the rules, saying it was a three-on-three battle this time, I sent out Vivillion immediately.

"Battle begin!" the announcer shouts, and Korrina was the first to call an attack, telling her mienfoo to use power up punch.

"Fly up to dodge Vivillion!" I say, Vivillion flying up as soon as the words left my mouth.

I had left the pokemon I didn't plan to use with Lotus on the sidelines, and I could tell they were all cheering in their own way along with Lotus and her pokemon.

"Use psybeam Vivillion!"

After Vivillion uses psybeam, luckily for us mienfoo becomes confused, and rarely manages to carry out the commands Korrina gives it, allowing use to take the win pretty easily.

After that, she sends out her Machoke, and I swap Vivillion out for Meowstic.

"Use psyshock Meowstic!" I call, not giving Korrina anytime to attack.

Meowstic carries out the move and Korrina's Machoke doesn't manage to dodge in time, securing us the hit.

She then commands her Machoke to use power up punch as well, which Meowstic barely manages to dodge.

Giving us no time to react, she then tells her Machoke to use rock tomb, and I knew how to counter that, even though she meant it as a surprise attack.

"Use Psybeam on each of the rocks Meowstic!" I yell quickly, and Meowstic carries out the command fluently, breaking all of the rocks, which took Korrina by surprise.

"Let's finish this Meowstic! Use psybeam!" I call, and after getting hit, Korrina's Machoke was unable to battle.

Her next pokemon didn't surprise me; it was her Lucario.

I called Meowstic back and sent out Braixen again.

"Using Braixen again? This will be like a rematch from our battle at the tower of mystery!" Korrina states, determination showing in her tone, and I smirk in response.

"Except this time, I'll win!" I state back to her, and I see her smile a little.

"Battle begin!"

Korrina mega evolves Lucario immediately, and the battle begins.

"Braixen psybeam!"

"Lucario, power up punch!"

Me and Korrina both call our commands at the same time, and our pokemon carry out the moves perfectly, both attacks landing and dealing damage.

"You okay Braixen?" I ask, and she nods me.

"Use fire spin!"

"Bone rush Lucario! Don't get trapped!" Korrina calls, and Lucario and Braixen hit dead on again.

"Aura Sphere!" Korrina calls, and I didn't have time to react as Lucario used the move, hitting Braixen.

"Braixen! I know you can do it!" I exclaim, encouraging my partner and starter pokemon.

"Use Psybeam again!"

When the attack missed, I gave Korrina no time to react as I tell Braixen to use fire spin again, this time successfully trapping Lucario in a blazing vortex.

"This battle is ours!" I shout enthusiastically.

"Braixen, Flame charge!"

"Lucario, power up punch!"

After calling both commands at the same time, both pokemon hit dead on, and stand there for a moment.

I feared the worst, that we had lost, but after Korrina's Lucario falls, I knew we had won.

"Lucario is unable to battle, which means the winner is the challenger, Yui!" 

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