Chapter 16: Into the Trapdoor

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Gryffindor Common Room. 

The 4 friends walked down the circular stairs into the Gryffindor Common room, only to be arrived by the sight of Trevor, Neville's toad, lying on top of the armrest of one of the chairs sitting in front of the fire, "Trevor." Ron pointed out. The toad was croaking loudly, which was going to give away the fact that they were going out, "Trevor. Shhh! Go! You shouldn't be here!" Ron whispered loudly at the toad.

Suddenly, Neville peaked around the chair, revealing he was sitting on it and, what Thomas thought he was also doing, waiting for them, "Neither should you." he replied.

Thomas was surprised to see Neville sitting there, but also a bit weirded out, "Okay, that is a bit creepy."

Neville walked towards them, "You're sneaking out again aren't you?" he questioned.

Harry brought his hands up to try and calm Neville down and explain, "Now, Neville, listen... we- we were just-"

"No! I won't let you! You'll get Gryffindor into trouble again! I-I-I'll fight you!" Neville replied, before sticking his hands up in a fist.

"You do realize that there are 4 of us, right?" Thomas added.

Hermione spun her head towards Thomas, "You're not helping!" she then looked back at Neville as she took out her wand, "Neville, I'm really really sorry about this." she said. She pointed her wand towards him and said the spell, "Petrificus Totalus."

Neville suddenly froze in an upright position with his eyes wide and arms on his side. He then fell back onto the ground in his stiff position before Hermione put her wand back in her pocket. The trio of boys looked at Hermione in shock, "You're a little scary sometimes, you know that? Brilliant... but scary." Ron told her as he slowly looked back and forth between Neville's frozen body and her.

The group looked back in front of them, "Let's go." Harry continued before they walked around Neville's body, "Sorry."

"Sorry." Hermione apologized as she walked behind Harry.

"Really sorry." Thomas also added as he followed behind Hermione behind Neville.

Ron was behind all of them and walked past Neville, "It's for your own good, you know." Ron added.

Later, the group were walking in the corridors of the school, all crowded under the Invisibility Cloak. Suddenly, Hermione felt a pain on her foot, "Ow! You stood on my foot!" she scolded Ron, who she knew it was.

"Sorry." he apologized as they made it to a wooden door and the torch beside the door on the wall, lit up. 

Hermione stuck her wand out through the cloak and pointed it at the door's lock handle, "Alohomora." she said, and the handle glowed a bright yellow before it magically unlocked itself. 

The door opened and the friends stepped inside of the room to see... a large 3-headed furry dong... sleeping? They stepped in front of the dog and stopped, "Wait a minute. He's..." Ron began, but suddenly, the dogs' snoring from their noses blew the cloak right off of them. 

They were all stunned and holding onto Hermione, a look of disgust on Thomas' face, "...Snoring." Thomas completed. 

They looked to the side and noticed a Harp playing a peaceful tune by itself, "Snape's already been here. He's put a spell on the harp." Harry pointed out.

The group walked closer to the dog as it continued breathing heavily, "Ugh! It's got horrible breath." Ron commented.

Thomas looked around the floor and finally saw the trapdoor to where they had to go, but there was one problem... It was below the darn dog's paw, "We have to move its paw." he said with a sigh.

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