Chapter 13: The Mirror of Erised

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Thomas recognized that voice. Harry. He was shaking Thomas awake, "Come on!" he told him.

Regretfully, Thomas lifted himself up as he rubbed his eyes. Thomas turned his face to face Harry, sending him a death stare, "...what" he moaned.

Harry pulled him up and ran towards Ron, "You won't believe what I found." Harry exclaimed. He made it to the side of Ron's bed, "Ron! You've really got to see this! Ron! You've got to see this!" he exclaimed. He pulled back Ron's covers, waking Ron up, "Ron, Ron, come on. Get out of bed!" he told him.

Ron rubbed his eyes, still obviously tired, "Why?" he asked.

"There's something you've got to see. Now, come on!" Harry answered as he grabbed the cloak of invisibility. Ron looked at Thomas, expecting an answer as to why Harry woke them up. Thomas knew that's why Ron was looking at him as he just shook his head, giving Ron his answer.


After following Harry, they made it to a large empty room. "Why exactly are we here?" Thomas asked. Thomas and Ron were still confused on why Harry wanted them to come with him. Thomas noticed a large mirror which was what Harry wanted them to see. The Harry spoke, "Come on. Come. Come look, it's my parents!" harry told them. Thomas furrowed his eyebrows as his head fell to the side, confused and not believing what Harry was saying.

Harry, Ron, and Thomas all stood before the mirror. Just like Ron, Thomas didn't see anything, "I only see me." Ron told him.

"Same." Thomas added.

Harry moves over, "Look in properly. Go on. Stand there. There. You see them, don't you? Thats my dad" Harry told them. Thomas gave it another shot and looked into the mirror. Ron's face suddenly lit up at what he was seeing in the mirror, but Thomas on the other hand...

In the mirror, a woman was moving towards Thomas' side and put her hand on his shoulder. Thomas could immediately tell who it was. His mother. It was just her. Ron then spoke, "That's me! Only, I'm head boy...and I'm holding the Quidditch cup! And bloody hell, I'm Quidditch Captain too! I look good. Do you two think this mirror shows the future?" Ron asked them.

Harry smiled sadly, "How can it? Both my parents are dead." Harry answered.

Harry noticed Thomas being silent and began to get concerned, "Thomas? Are you alright? What do you see?" Harry asked him.

Thomas put his hand on where his mother set her's, but he felt nothing. He slowly began to tear up, but quickly shook his head and wiped out the tears, "Nothing... It's nothing... We should probably get out of here before we get in trouble." Thomas told them. He walked away from the mirror and waited by the door for them as Harry watched him leave, knowing what he saw.

Back in the common room,

Thomas burst through the door and began to rush to his bed with Harry calling him, "Thomas! Thomas!" he called.

Thomas ignored him and continued to walk to his bed, but was held back by the arm by Harry, "Thomas." he said.

Thomas turned to face Harry with anger plastered across his face, "Let go of my arm... or I'm going to break it." he threatened.

Harry immediately let go of his arm and took a step back with Thomas beginning to calm down, "Okay. Geez...". Thomas began to walk to his bed, but Harry spoke again, "You saw your parents didn't you?" Harry asked.

Thomas immediately froze. He sighed, "What's it matter to you?" Thomas asked.

Harry took a step closer, "Why? You seemed mad when you saw them-" but Harry was quickly interrupted by Thomas speaking.

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