Chapter 2: The Story begins

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It was a cold winter's night, the birds were chirping, the houses were still lit, celebrating Christmas, seems like a wonderful and peaceful day, huh? Well, you are very wrong.

In the street of the town a woman was running, carrying a basket with something inside, what she was running from? Well, you're gonna have to read for yourself.

She was panting, tired form all the running, she was looking for a building, a specific building. She then saw the gate of the area, along with its sign, "Orphanage for the gifted." When she finally got to the premises, the gate to the area was locked, "You got to be kidding me." She then pulled out something from her pocket, still holding carrying the basket, that something, was a wand. 

She aimed it at the lock and said, "Alohomora.". The gate suddenly unlocked, she put her wand back in her pocket, and ran inside the premises. 

When she finally got to the door she put the basket down and looked inside. Inside the basket was a baby boy, no more than a few months old. She then took a small bag out of her pocket and pulled out a book, a wand, and finally, a necklace with a locket hanging from it. She took the baby out of the basket and made way for the other contents.

When she was done she looked at the baby one more time, who was sleeping, "My sweet boy, (sniff), I hope you understand. You'll understand when you are older." tears after tears fell down her face as she put the necklace around his neck, she opened the locket and there was a picture of her, her husband and their baby, all happy together, "Don't ever forget who you are." 

She put her baby back in the basket and placed a letter on top of him, "Thomas Jacobs." (que the Harry Potter theme song) She ringed the bell and ran away. 

She locked the gate behind her and saw from afar 2 ladies pick up the basket, the 1 was reading the letter and the other brought the basket in. The lady reading the letter looked ate the gate and was the mother, but she just nodded her head and walked inside. The woman ran back towards her house to face the thing that killed her husband, but now her baby was safe and knew that he would have a better chance growing up, without her. 

You see what I meant by 'not a happy story', yup, this is what I meant

Meanwhile, at another town.

It was still a cold Winter's night, except on Privet drive. A man walked out of the shadow of a forest into the town, an old man with a long gray beard and a big robe. A cat watched from the side of a statue. 

The old man walked into the middle of the street and took something out of his pocket. He lifted it up and 1 by 1, the lights of the street lights were being sucked into the magical object.

The cat meowed and the man finally noticed the cat, "I should've know you would be here, Professor McGonagall." Slowly the cat turned into an old woman and said, "Good evening, Professor Dumbledore."

She walked to his side and they both continued walking, "Are the rumors true, Albus?" she asked. "I'm afraid so, professor. The good and the bad." he answered, " And the boy?", "Hagrid is bringing him." She then thought about the other one, "What about the other one? the other boy?" "Whatever his mother, or whatever she gave him, allowed he to be hard to find. But knowing her  she would have made it her top priority to keep him safe, so he probably is." "Do you think it is wise to trust Hagrid with something as important as this?" "Ah, professor, I would trust Hagrid with my life." Suddenly behind them came a bike, a flying bike, and it came to land right next to them, they knew who this was, Hagrid. Hagrid took off his goggles and looked at the 2, "Professor Dumbledore, sir. Professor McGonagall" They both were just shocked.

"No problems, I trust, Hagrid?" Dumbledore asked, "No, sir. Little tyke fell asleep just as we were flying over Bristol." He got off his bike and gave him the thing in his hands, "Try not to wake him. There you go." 

Albus and McGonagall walked towards the front door of a house when she asked, "Albus, do you really think its safe leaving them with these people. I've watched them all day. They're the worst sort of Muggles, imaginable. They really are-", but Albus interrupted her, "the only family he has." She continued protesting, "This boy is famous. there won't be a child in our world who doesn't know his name." They got to the front door, "Exactly. He's far better off growing up away from all of that. Until he's ready."

He placed the baby in front of the door and when he turned around, he saw Hagrid crying, "There, there, Hagrid. It's not really goodbye, after all." He placed a letter on top of the baby's forehead.

"Good luck... Harry Potter."

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