Chapter 1

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Today was the day. The day of my 18th birthday.

As soon as my alarm went off, I immediately threw myself out of bed, being more excited than ever. Since I was 18 today, my parents finally decided I was old enough to have my first Pokémon, since I was classed as an adult now.

My parents wanted me to get through high school before they let me have my first Pokémon, since they wanted me to know everything I needed to know both about Pokémon and the dangers of a Pokémon journey.

After making my way to my wardrobe, I stood, pondering for a minute for what I should wear. It was currently summer in the Kalos region, and I knew I could buy more clothes if I needed them in the different towns on my journey.

I finally decided on a red skirt that came up just above my knee, and a pure white off the shoulder.

After getting dressed as soon as I could, I practically bolted down the stairs, where my parents were already waiting for me in the living room, different boxes littered in front of them.

"Morning Yui!" both my mother and father enthusiastically say together.

"Morning mum and dad!" I reply, excitement clearly showing in my voice.

"Happy birthday dear" my mother says, as she hands me one of the gifts.

Opening it, I softly gasped in shock. It was black randoseru style bag, with small Pokémon designs in the middle and corners.

I thanked her, then proceeded to open the rest of my gifts, which were necessities for my journey. Not only that, but one of my gifts was a beautiful light blue dress, which had dark blue ruffles at top, middle, and bottom. It was off the shoulder, much like the top I was currently wearing, and came up as the same length as my skirt. Along with it were black thigh high socks, with a beautiful sapphire bracelet.

They knew I've always wanted to be a Pokémon performer and coordinator as well as a trainer. I had posters littering my room of different Pokémon performers from Kalos, and Pokémon coordinators from Sinnoh and Hoenn. I've always wanted to go to Sinnoh or Hoenn to try coordinating there after I had beaten the 8 gyms in Kalos.

I thanked both my parents immediately, before they went to get the present I was most excited for.

After a few minutes, which felt like an eternity, they finally came back with a yellow ball of fluff in my mothers arms, while my father was carrying 6 poke balls in his arms.

I knew that Pokémon anywhere; it was a fennekin.

My face immediately lit up when I saw fennekin. My parents knew how much I loved the Pokémon and how I wished it would be my starter Pokémon.

My mother gently put fennekin on the floor, letting it sniff around, as to not startle it. I knew it would know my parents, but it didn't know me, and the last thing I wanted was to startle it. It was going to be my partner for my entire journey, so I wanted to get off on the right foot.

Fennekin sniffed around a little bit, before it saw me and slowly made it's way over to me. I sat on the floor, letting it come to me. Fennekin made cautious steps towards me.

Finally, it reached me, and looked at me with curious eyes. Fennekin stayed like that for a little while before sniffing me. I let it, sitting patiently.

Finally, it jumped onto my lap happily, wagging it's tail. It licked my face, then I looked at my father, who handed me a pokeball with a fire sticker on it.

I held the pokeball out to fennekin, silently asking if it chose me as it's trainer, and if it trusted me.

As if Fennekin knew what I was thinking, it nodded it's head and gently pressed it's nose against the pokeball, telling me it trusted me, and it chose me as it's trainer.

As soon as the pokeball stopped moving, I smiled, both in happiness and excitement. Fennekin was my Pokémon! My very first Pokémon!

My father handed me the remaining 5 pokeballs and my pokedex.

After hugging both my parents and them telling me to be safe, I packed my bag and made my way to the door, bringing out fennekin to walk beside me as I did. Since it was my starter Pokémon, I didn't really want to keep it in its pokeball, unless I really had to, to keep it safe.

As soon as I opened the door, I gave one last reassuring smile to my parents, and set out on my journey.

My Pokémon journey. 

Blooming Ambitions: A pokemon StoryWhere stories live. Discover now