"And it'd be a real jerk move to ignore you after we told you to message us if anything came up," said Deuce.

I backed away and smirked at them. "Right."

"You guys just gotta keep up that image, huh?" Grim said, shaking his head.

"It's alright. Actions speak louder than words."

"Okay, back to partying!" said Kalim. "Bring on the food and crank up the music! This is going to be the best holiday ever!"

"YEAAAH!" everyone cheered.

"I am surrounded by simpletons," Jamil muttered.

Ace and Deuce still looked confused, so Grim pulled them aside to tell them the story. Meanwhile, my gaze drifted to Kalim and Floyd, who had resumed dancing near each other. I smiled. They both looked so joyful that I had to take a photo. I raised the ghost camera to my face. While I could capture motion well enough, the movement of the boys made it hard to capture both of them in one shot.

"Trying to decide which one to shoot?" Jade said, suddenly beside me.

I lowered my camera and glanced at him. "No. I was trying to get of them. It's kind of difficult."

"As I imagine it would be. If you must choose, it would be wise to pick Kalim. He and Floyd have many surface similarities, so I understand why would you be attracted to both of them. However, Kalim is more in line with your moral tastes and therefore a more suitable companion for you."

I wondered why he was making this suggestion. Did he truly believe it, or was it a test? "So, you think I should just ditch Floyd for Kalim?"

Jade's face gave nothing away as usual. "I would not put it so crassly, but it would be better for Floyd if you cut of contact sooner rather than later."

Ah, so that was it. He was looking after his brother. After everything, he still doubted that I was serious about being friends with him. "Well, that will never do. Sure, Kalim is great, but he's not Floyd. Kalim is enthusiastic but not unpredictable. He doesn't keep me guessing an entertaining way - recent events aside. He doesn't have the same protective instincts as Floyd. Sure, he may care, but he would probably try to talk to an attacker and get us both injured. Kalim appreciates the heat like I do but doesn't share my love of the sea.

"Kalim doesn't have the same emotional complexity. He doesn't try to understand me in the same way. I don't feel the same when I'm with him. Floyd is irreplaceable. And so is Kalim, I'm sure. He has his own set of strengths and weaknesses that I admit I do want to get to know. But he's not Floyd. That's why I want to be friends with both of them. I have room in my life for many people." I smiled at Jade. "Oh, one more thing. Kalim does not have a great brother I also love being around."

Jade returned my smile with one of his own. "Is that how it is? Then, by all means, don't let me stop you."

I returned my attention to my camera. Finally, I was able to get a shot of Floyd and Kalim dancing together. No soon had I done so then they ran over to me. "Hey, Little Shrimpy!" said Floyd. "Taking pictures?"

"That's right," I said. He was grinning, so it seemed like he didn't mind.

"Pictures?" said Kalim. "How cool! Hey, I can take a picture of you three if you want."

"That would be great, Sea Otter!" Floyd said happily. He moved to my other side and made Jade and me squish together with him.

"I suppose I don't mind," said Jade.

"Thanks, Kalim," I said, handing him the camera. I put my arms around the brothers and smiled. Kalim snapped the picture.

"That turned out great!" said Kalim.

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