CHAPTER 1: Discovery

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However, before they could disembark, the bases scanners detected the signal of a ship on Earth. Optimus looked at the screen as Ratchet walked over to the console to see what the source of the alert was. Optimus stepped aside.

Arcee: "What is it? The Cons?" she asks.

Ratchet: "No. Something else." he said as he pressed a few buttons.

He isolated the signal and found its exact location. An image of the vessel popped up on the overhead screens for the Autobots to see. Optimus looked at the vessel. However, he was more occupied by the emblem that accompanied the vessel's image. He recognizes the emblem, or well, it reminds him of one he's seen. The Galactic Republic. The emblem does have some differences to the Republic's emblem. He remembers taking notice of the Republic's existence during the War for Cybertron. During the war, he hoped the Decepticons didn't reel in this Galactic power into the conflict. Thankfully that never happened, but to see a potential Republic vessel on Earth. Things could get heated quickly.

Optimus hears a series of beeps from Bumblebee.

Bumblebee: {What is it?} he asks.

Optimus: "Uncertain. The Emblem shows similarities to a galactic power I've read about during the War for Cybertron. But it is ever slightly different." he explains.

Arcee: "Galactic power?" she asks, skeptically.

Ratchet: "I've read about them too." he chips in. "The Galactic Republic is a leading figure in a galaxy far from this one, and if this by any chance is of Republic origins. What in the all spark is it doing here?"

Optimus: "More importantly, how did it get here?" he adds. "We were never warned about the vessel's arrival until now. So I find it wise to investigate this find."

Ratchet nods and secures the coordinates before heading to the Ground Bridge controls. Optimus turns to Arcee and Bumblebee.

Optimus: "I will investigate this find alone. I suggest you two locate the humans you've mentioned before the Decepticons find them." he orders, calmly.

The two bots nod at their leader. The Prime hears the sounds of the ground bridge portal opening and looks towards it. He then walks towards it before hearing Ratchet's voice.

Ratchet: "Do you need me to come with you Optimus?" he asks, an ounce of concern in his voice.

He was concerned with the potential contact of a second species and/or Faction that could be a threat to not only them, but Earth as well.

Optimus: "remain here Ratchet. I will contact you if I need reinforcements or a quick extraction." he replies, using his calm yet stoic tone.

The medic nods at Optimus who resumed his mission. He walks towards the Ground bridge and proceeds to enter its vortex. Once he vanished from sight, the other two Autobots head out to see if they can track down the humans they were ordered to find.

As Optimus leaves the green vortex, he looks around his new environment. His optics soon find the crashed remains of the Voidstar. The light cruiser rests in the middle of a forest. A trench behind it showing what direction it came from and how far it skidded across the surface of this Planet. Optimus walked towards the crashed vessel to look for any signs of damage. He finds some scorch marks on the sides of the ship's hull and sees what look like cannons. Some of the guns were destroyed but not in the crash. The engines of the ship seemed to be relatively intact despite the obvious crash landing. He makes his way towards the bow of the vessel. As he approached the bow, he saw more visible damage he knew was caused by the crash landing.

Dents and other visible damage could be seen. Definitely a hard landing from what he can tell. It's a fairly sized vessel he might add. If this did come from the Republic, then they have good starships. Especially if the ship remained mostly intact from the crash. He reached the bow of the ship and noticed how banged up it was from the landing. It also had a small hill of dirt and other debris on the bow, courtesy of the trail it dug out upon impact. Sadly, he's too big to go inside the ship to check it's logs. Those would be key to figuring out what it's doing here and how it got here without them noticing it's present ahead of time. He's wondering how long it's been here for. But from the damage he sees and how aged the scorch marks are, he guesses at least a year and a half, maybe two years. A part of him is curious if the ship could be put back into the air with how minor its damage is.

He placed his servo on the hull of the ship and ran it across the metal before he looked up towards what looked like the bridge of the vessel.

Inside the ship was a cryo pod that soon lit up alongside a series of consoles. The consoles turn on and show the vitals of the occupant. A metal ring descends from the ceiling containing pieces of armor. The pop thawed the occupant out and drained itself of the liquid contents. Once the pod was empty, the figure inside stood up before removing their oxygen mask as the glass tube lowered into the ground with the top portion coming off and going into the ceiling. The ring that came from the ceiling closes around the figure and began suiting them up. After the under suit was put on, the pieces of armor and cape were next. Once the cape was on, a helmet lowered down onto the figure. After forming an airtight seal, the figure lowers their arms.

(Y/n) breathes in and out once he was fully armored. He then cracks his neck as he steps out of the cryo pod. He reached his hand to the side and recalled his lightsaber that sat on a console. He clipped it to his belt and looked around. His heads up display fully coming online. He scanned the room with his eyes noticing how empty it was. He knew he killed the crew before making the jump to lightspeed. So, he made his way out of the room. He wanted to see the condition of the ship and where the hell he was. However, he stopped as he sensed something outside of the ship, so he used Force Speed and rushed down the corridors of the ship.

Outside, Optimus Prime deduced that the ship was abandoned, or its occupants were deceased as there were no signs of life. He was about to contact Ratchet for a ground bridge when he got a feeling that something was behind him. He turned around and saw nothing. His gentle gaze graced the land around him. He kept scanning the area with his blue optics to see if he was being watched. He hums lowly to himself in thought as he seemed troubled. He decided that it was nothing and contacted Ratchet.

Optimus: "Ratchet, I require a Ground bridge." he asks.

Ratchet(COMS): "What did you find?" he asks as the ground bridge opened before the Prime.

Optimus: "I'll notify you at base." he said as he walks towards the vortex.

As he steps inside the vortex, he vanishes from sight. Soon after, the green portal closes letting silence fall upon the land once more. In one of the trees, a dark figure was watching Optimus leave the site. Their helmet gives a soulless gaze. The figure hums to themselves in thought.

(Y/n): "Interesting." he said, sounding intrigued with his finding.

He dropped down from the tree and looked at the Voidstar. He then looked at where the green vortex once was. He was stuck here, but perhaps this world holds secrets to unveil. 

My Path To Redemption (Male Sith Reader X Transformers Prime X Star Wars)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz