You're my best friend...

867 14 1

Set 9 months before season 1

JJ, Luke + John B


JJ kicked a stone under his foot as he walked along the path, hands buried deep in his pockets as the light rain dropped from the clouds.

It was nearly dark, and he wanted to get back to his house before he was unable to see.

Back to his house...

Not that he wanted to go back at all, but he didn't have much of a choice really.

He didn't want to go to the Chateau. John B was spending the night with his Dad, seeming as big John would be away as of the next day. He'd be away for a few days looking for this shipwreck he'd been fixated on for months, so JJ had decided to give John B some much needed time with him alone.

He couldn't exactly go to Pope's, as his friend was probably studying. Pope had been working so hard towards getting a scholarship, and that went hand in hand with studying usually until the early hours of the morning, so disturbing him right now was out of the question.

And as for Kiara, well, they hadn't spoken in at least six or seven months. He had thought about going to see her, but he quickly reminded himself that she clearly didn't wanna be hanging around him anymore, so immediately stopped himself.

So that just left his own home... no, not home, his house.

The thought of just finding a tree to curl up under for the night had crossed his mind, that is, before he'd checked the weather forecast and seen that a storm was gonna hit at around 1am, so that had thrown that plan out the window.

The rain was actually getting heavier at this point, and by now he had reached his front door.

Climbing the few steps, JJ hesitated in going in, he could head loud music inside that made him skeptical. But as he heard a distant, deep rumble of thunder, he knew he had no choice, so he took a deep breath and opened the door.

Stepping inside, he headed into the kitchen and turned to face the living room, where he of course spotted his Dad.

Luke was sat on the sofa, a bottle of strong liquor gripped in his hand as he worked on some sort of engine which was dumped on the table in front of him.

The house was a complete mess, but that was nothing new, so JJ ignored the trash and took a few steps forward, making himself known.

Luke turned his head, frowning a little at the sight of his son, before he stood and switched his music off. "Didn't expect to see you." He grumbled, staggering over passed JJ and into the kitchen, clearly on the hunt for more alcohol seeming as his current bottle was running low.

"Yeah um," JJ paused for a moment. "Storm."

Luke huffed. "What happened to the Chateau?" He muttered.

"John B's busy." JJ replied quietly, going to the fridge to find something to eat.

Luke grumbled something under his breath, grabbed another full bottle and headed back over to the table, which after a moment he kicked hard enough for it to budge.

JJ turned away from the fridge to face his Dad, the loud, sudden noise making him flinch.

"Pile of crap." Luke hissed, "That's beyond fixing that is."

JJ swallowed hard, but continued his hunt for food, and after a while found a few eggs and a somewhat clean pan.

Dumping his rucksack on the floor he went to turn the stove on, but he couldn't say he was surprised when it didn't work. "You forget to pay the gas bill?" He muttered.

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