A good heart

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Set on Poguelandia (same day as they get there)

JJ + John B (Kiara, Pope, Sarah + Cleo)


"First day on Poguelandia almost over."

"Sticking with the name then are we?"

John B smiled a little at the smirk on JJ's face, shaking his head in amusement. "We'll see." He breathed.

"I personally think it's a great name." JJ told his friend, still smirking as he drew in the sand.

"Didn't the girls wanna take a vote?" John B said with a laugh, plonking himself down beside JJ in the sand.

JJ waved his hand to dismiss this. "Nah," He murmured. "They love it as much as I do."

John B smiled. "Sure." He breathed.

"Where are the others anyway?" JJ asked after a moment of silence.

"Um, Pope and Kiara are off trying to find some sort of water source," John B told him. "And Sarah and Cleo went for a walk, to explore I think."

"The second my head stops hurting so bad, I'll be doing the same." JJ decided. "This island is gonna be our home for however long, gotta get to know our surroundings."

John B chuckled, nodding in agreement. "How is your head?" He asked, peering at the nasty gash that was half covered by JJ's blonde hair.

JJ shrugged a little. "I don't recommend getting hit by a machete, put it that way." He grumbled, but he was smiling.

"Ths blunt end of a machete." John B corrected, teasing his friend gently.

JJ glared playfully at him. "I can't imagine either end is pleasant." He told him.

"No, I don't reckon it would be." John B said slowly, before glancing out across the ocean. "You wonder if anyone has noticed we're gone? - back home I mean..."

JJ was quiet for a little while. "I guess Kie's parents are going crazy-" He said slowly. "Pope's too. But I reckon they've all noticed we're missing."

Johh B nodded slowly, biting his lip a little before sighing. "You okay?" He started.

JJ glanced at him, frowning a little. "Yeah?" He said slowly, sounding slightly confused.

John B sighed. "We haven't gotten the chance to talk about-" He paused for a moment. "About your Dad leaving."

JJ's face immediately dropped, and he swallowed hard. "Oh," He murmured. "That."

"I mean, we don't have to talk about it," John B reassured him. "But if you do-" He trailed off, waiting patiently.

JJ glanced up and down the beach a few times, clearly checking that none of the others had come back, before he sighed a little. "I still haven't quite wrapped my head around the fact that he's gone." He murmured. "It doesn't seem real."

Johh B nodded slowly. "Yeah, I understand." He murmured.

JJ busied himself playing with the sand, but continued talking, voice quiet. "My whole life, I've wished he'd just leave, just go, leave me alone," He mumbled. "But now that he's actually gone, I'm not as happy as I thought I'd be."

John B frowned a little.

"It's just, no matter what he did, no matter how he treated me, he's still my Dad at the end of the day." JJ swallowed hard. "I don't know if I ever found it in my heart to fully hate him. Trust me, there were moments when I did, moments where I was laying there with him continuously - punching or kicking me, or whatever, I hated him so much in those moments. But at the end of it all, I - I still helped him, I still saved him from the cops, and I wondered why for a while, but I know now, it's because I can't hate him, I just can't, and I know I should, but I just don't... And I don't know why."

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