You're safe here

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Set a little before season 1

JJ, John B + Luke


"Finally decided to join the land of the living then?"

JJ glanced up as he wandered into the kitchen, noticing John B sat at the kitchen side, a bowl of cereal in front of him.

He rubbed at his eyes and blinked a few times, before sitting heavily on the stool next to him. "What time is it?" He murmured, voice scratchy from sleep.

John B raised an eyebrow at him and shot him a small smirk. "Nearly noon." He replied, pushing the cereal box towards his friend, who just shook his head. "You've wasted half the day."

JJ shrugged. "You're the one sat there eating breakfast at twelve." He told him, running a hand through his scruffy blonde hair.

John B chuckled a little, before hearing a distant rumble of thunder.

JJ turned his head towards the window. "Storm coming?" He asked with a small frown, just about able to see the clouds darkening in the distance.

John B nodded as he stood, walking over to the sink with his now empty bowl. "Yeah." He breathed. "Probably won't hit here until this evening though."

JJ nodded slowly, staring out the window for a moment or two more, before taking a deep, shaky breath. "I need to pop home." He mumbled.

John B nearly dropped the bowl he was currently washing up, swallowing hard as he slowly turned to face his friend, who was looking anywhere but him, chewing on the inside of his cheek like he always did when he was nervous. "JJ-"

"I know what you're gonna say man." JJ sighed, not moving from his seat. "But - I haven't been home in almost a week, and if this storm is bad, I might not be able to get home for another week. I need clothes and stuff-"

"You can borrow some of my clothes, or we'll wash the ones you already have here." John B cut him off quickly. "Come on dude, you don't have to go home."

JJ eventually looked at him, but only shook his head. "Look, I don't wanna go back to that tip anymore than you want me to." He said, standing and taking a few steps forward. "But I've got to. Check on things yeah? Besides, Dad'll be at work, and I'll be in and out. Come on, I'll have to go home at some point, might as well do it when he's gone."

John B stared at JJ for a long while, before he sighed and nodded. "Want me to come with you?" He asked.

But just as he expected, JJ quickly shook his head. "No, no," He breathed. "I'll be fine."

He disappeared into John B's bedroom for a moment, returning with a backpack and his red cap, which he slipped onto his head. "I'll be back later okay?" He told his friend, already heading for the door.

"If you're not back by nine, I'm coming looking for you!" John B called as he heard the door open and close, followed by a shout of annoyed agreement from JJ, before everything went silent.

John B leant against the kitchen side, taking a deep breath.

He hated when JJ went home, but he knew he was right when he said he had to, just to grab some stuff and check on things, besides, he never stayed long if he could help it.

So with a sigh John B decided to finish the washing up and just hang around the house for the day, after all, he didn't feel like going out when a storm was on the way.

JJ chewed on the inside of his lip as he walked, gripping the backpack that was slung over one of his shoulders.

His heart was pounding, although he didn't know why, his Dad was at work, so technically he had nothing to worry about, but there was always that nagging thought in the back of his mind telling him that he could've got it wrong, and he could be home.

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