No matter what

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Set a month before season 1

JJ, John b, Pope, Kiara + Luke


Kiara glanced up once again, glaring at John B as he continually drummed his fingers against the wooden wall, seeming unaware that he was actually doing so.

"John B?" She muttered eventually.

John B stopped, dropping his hand and turning to his friend. "Yeah?" He murmured.

"That's really annoying." Kiara told him.

John B glaced at Pope, who was laying in the hammock just outside, but he just smirked and turned away.

"Yeah okay." John B breathed, turning back to Kiara and stuffing his hand in his pocket, sighing.

"What's got you all uptight?" Pope asked lazily.

John B stood and walked to the edge of the porch. "I dunno," He murmured with a small shrug. "It's just- I haven't seen JJ since he left yesterday morning."

Pope turned his head to face him, frowning a little. "Did he say where he was going?" He asked.

John B shook his head. "He was gone before I woke up," He said. "Didn't leave a note or anything. I started to worry a little when he didn't show up last night, I mean, especially as he practically lives here now anyway."

"You know JJ," Kiara spoke up. "He probably spent the night on the beach or something."

"Yeah, but, it's nearly lunch now," John B said. "Surely he would've come back by now?"

The three were quiet for a moment, before Pope took a deep breath. "You don't reckon he went home do you?" He practically whispered.

Kiara shook her head. "No way," She muttered. "JJ never just, goes home."

John B nodded his agreement. "Still," He breathed. "If he ran in to Luke whilst he was out, he could be at home."

Kiara and Pope shared a worried glance, before John B grabbed the keys to the twinkie.

"Where are you going?" Pope asked, quickly standing and heading over to his friends.

"To JJ's." John B told him. "To see if he is there."

"Is that a good idea?" Pope asked. "You know JJ always tell us to never go round to his."

John B sighed. "You also know that it's unlike JJ to just disappear for nearly two days without letting any of us know, I mean, we haven't even gotten a message from him."

"Have you tried messaging him?" Kiara asked.

"Course I have," John B told her. "Like, three times. The messages have been delivered, he's just not answering."

"Which is also unlike JJ," Pope sighed, nodding a little.

"Exactly." John B said in a very I told you so tone.

"Alright, but we'll come with you." Kiara said, immediately standing.

John B hesitated for a moment. "Okay," He breathed. "But you should both stay in the twinkie, in case we need to make a quick getaway."

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