My Cherie Amour.

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RENÉ MONET (model, it girl): I Met Vienna Kelly at a party back in '75, or was it '76? I don't remember. I was dating Wyatt Stone's drummer, David Knight, back then, I practically lived in LA that year. She bumped into me, scurried off. I thought that was the end of it.  God, was i wrong.

VIENNA: I was a fan. I mean, she was beautiful. So elegant.

RENÉ: Anyway, I get back to my hotel that night. I'd had a fight with him, David I mean, I was going home. I was seriously done with him. I walk past the pool and you'll never guess who was there, tiptoeing along the edge of the pool. She looked like shit. Still beautiful, don't get me wrong. Her dress was dripping with pool water, mascara streaming down her cheeks. It was almost picturesque y'know.  I asked her if she was alright.

VIENNA: I told her I was fine.

RENÉ: Then she asked me if i had a smoke.

VIENNA: She did. She told me she knew who i was.

RENÉ: She laughed. Told me i  must've had her confused for someone. She insisted though. While music was never in my area of expertise, I was surrounded by it. I had a thing for assholes  in bands.  Me and Vi had that in common I s'pose. I knew of the six, and daisy jones. I'd heard a few of their songs, saw them on page six. And how could you forget a face like Viennas?

VIENNA: I asked her what she was doing here, in LA. That I knew who she was.

RENÉ: I told her i'd followed someone here and it'd bit me on the ass. That all men are the same. She agreed. Told me she knew all about it. I then told her that I was on the first flight back to Paris in the morning.  She said she'd jump at the opportunity to get to Paris. So, I asked her where she was staying. That's when i saw Daisy Jones passed out on a deck chair. 

VIENNA: Daisy was out. I couldn't go home. Not even if i wanted to. I didn't necessarily want to sleep in a deck chair either.

RENÉ: I'll never forget Carrying The Daisy Jones back to her hotel room. I asked Vienna if she wanted me to call her a cab.

VIENNA: I told her i couldn't go home. That i didn't even know where home was anymore. It wasn't LA, it had never been Pittsburgh and I didn't even want it to be all the way back in New York. I think i was longing for that feeling of fulfilment. The thing is, i don't think i ever had it.

RENÉ: I told her she could stay the night, shower, borrow some clothes. We'd sort it out in the morning. I don't know, I just had a good feeling about her. Call it a gut instinct, we were supposed to be friends. Maybe that's why i told her my life story within the first hour of meeting her.

VIENNA: I liked René she was a breath of fresh air. She was real. She didn't tell me what she thought i wanted to hear.  I needed more of that. I needed a break. I needed to find myself. Or whatever it was i was so desperate to find.

KAREN: I got home from the studio that night, it was quiet. I suppose i had a feeling something was off. I just didn't know what. Warren and Graham were on the couch. I asked them if Vi was back yet. She wasn't.

WARREN: I hadn't spoken to her since i'd seen her at the studio that day.

GRAHAM: I just assumed she'd gone out, told Karen or Eddie. It wasn't like it was unusual. She'd probably gone down to the strip or something.

KAREN: I mean, i wouldn't have thought anything of it, not until i noticed her stuff was gone. Not all of it, just the stuff she couldn't live without.

BILLY: It was typical. I mean at first i just expected her to resurface. Then, I think, two weeks passed. To add onto the stress, Daisy also decided to go M.I.A.

WARREN: I was worried man, I mean, No one had heard from her.

EDDIE: One minute she was there and the next she was nowhere to be seen. [sigh] I don't know what to tell you, man. It was [pause] a punch in the gut.

GRAHAM: It wasn't until Deb burst in with a copy of the latest cosmo.

KAREN: Front page, in a club in Paris, cosying up with Etienne Moreau. [smiles]

WARREN: The Etienne Moreau. [laughs] The director, man.

ALEXA CHANG: It was her Paris Debut. On the arm of one of France's most eligible bachelors and still stealing the spotlight. He's leaning in, whispering something into her ear. She's smiling, staring straight at the camera. No one knows who she is in Paris. After that article though, they were certainly dying to find out. Paris was simply not ready for the storm that was Vienna Kelly and René Monet.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2023 ⏰

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