hotel california.

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VIENNA: When i first told my mom i was moving to California, she was pissed. I mean really pissed. I remember she just shook her head and said no. I told her i wasn't asking for her  permission. I left that night and she just watched, she didn't even say anything.

CLOVER: Vienna's relationship with her mother was always rocky, that's why she stayed at my house so much. They had their moments though, i know it broke her heart when her mother didn't give her blessing.

VIENNA: I sent her a post card within the first three days, sort of hoped she'd put it on the fridge for the boys or something. She probably never did.

CAMILA: I think in a sense, it only made her more determined. She felt like she had something to prove. Not just to her mom, or the band but to herself. She was bound to break at some point.

KAREN: I mean, she had enough to prove. She was a female guitar player in a band called 'the Dunne brothers'.

GRAHAM: Looking back, i think we all were pretty hard on her. Especially in the beginning.

EDDIE: Billy was a prick.

VIENNA: I just knew i was bigger than Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. I was bigger than what everyone expected of me.

WAREEN: I mean i could just feel that it was all going to be worth it, It didn't feel that way when we first pulled up to the house.

VIENNA: The first house? [laughs] It had... character.

WARREN: It was totally haunted by the old lady that died in there.

BILLY: We got it cheap [laughs].

VIENNA: I mean, there wasn't enough room for us. The boys had to share, i got the main bedroom [laughs].

CAMILA: [laughs] I remember her telling Warren she could still 'feel' the old ladies spirit in the room.

WARREN: it was all hers.

VIENNA: It was the size of my old living room. I didn't care if i had to share it with a ghost.

EDDIE: There's one picture, I don't know who has it nowadays but it's of all of us.

WARREN: It probably got lost when we moved.

GRAHAM: I don't think i've ever seen it published, [smiles] but it was so special.

VIENNA: It's framed on my fireplace.

CAMILA: Billy was in the middle, Warren and graham on either side. And on the end, Eddie has his arm wrapped around Vienna's shoulder.

GRAHAM: we're all looking at the camera.

CAMILA: [smiles] except Eddie. No, he was looking at her.

VIENNA: it's my favourite.

EDDIE: It's my favourite.

BILLY: we called that place our own hotel California.

WARREN: [smiles] so many good memories in that place.

GRAHAM: we called Karen as soon as we got there. I think it went pretty well.

KAREN: When i got the phone call from graham. I was hesitant to say the least, I'd only really properly chatted to Camila and Vienna.

CAMILA: I liked Karen i really did.

VIENNA: We- no, screw that, I needed her in the band. She was insanely talented and I had a fat crush on her.

KAREN: I mean, i probably would've said yes a lot faster [smiles] if I knew i would be sharing a bed with Vienna.

WARREN: Graham called her. when she answered though, the prick could barely speak.

BILLY: Camila swooped in, took the phone and saved the day.

WARREN: Real smooth, Peaches.

VIENNA: I remember saying something along the lines of 'you'll get em next time, kiddo' [laughs].

GRAHAM: I'm actually a few months older than Vienna.


HI! i'm just letting you all know i have absolutely no idea what i'm doing 🫦. Pls let me know what you think of the fic so far!!! I'm struggling with templates so if you'd like more chapters in the same template as this one or chapters with actual text please let me know!!! It would be really helpful!!

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