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INTERVIEWER: tell me about the first time you met daisy jones.

VIENNA: [smiles] Daisy damn Jones.

"Hey carl, I need to leave early tomorrow night so- oh"

"Ah, perfect timing. I need you to train the newbie. Daisy this is... uh" Carl spoke, rushing over his words.

"Johanna," Vienna smiled softly, at him her eyes landing on daisy. She smiled gingerly.

VIENNA: I mean, the first thing i thought was god this girl is insanely beautiful.

long red hair and big blue eyes. She was something to look at.  "Hi," daisy spared her a glance before turning back to carl, "seriously, i'm not staying late tomorrow."

"yeah, yeah. okay. alright." He rushed, standing up "just- train- um... Johanna."

"Righto!" Daisy chirped as he walked out back, "what an asshole" she murmured.

Vienna laughed to herself. "so it's not just a bad impression, huh?" She spoke, "dually noted,"

Daisy sat down in the booth, opposite Vienna. "Johanna," she repeated, nodding slowly. "that your real name?"

"Is daisy yours?" Vienna, raised her brows unconvinced.

VIENNA: I'm surprised we didn't get fired. Seriously, we were a nightmare together.

DAISY: We were always having fun [smiles]  for a super shitty job, I had a lot of fun.

VIENNA: the rest of the workers must've hated us. I would've.

DAISY: y'know what's funny? I remember Vienna telling me her band was looking for a frontman.

VIENNA: I asked her if she wanted to come to the auditions.  She said maybe. I knew her well enough to know not to hold my breath. Speaking of the auditions. Well, they were certainly interesting.

"I feel like  we've seen every bloody frontman in the whole of California," Karen spoke, exasperated.

They were all sat in front of the house, vienna sat in between Karen and Eddie. They were all bored out of their brains. At first it was fun, funny even. For the first few, Vienna had to excuse herself. Every time she caught someone's eye, she'd burst out laughing. It was mean, she was aware but honestly she couldn't help it. 

VIENNA: Some of them were good they just... werent Billy Dunne.

Viennas brows creased as she let Karen's words sink in, readjusting herself in her seat. "I mean," she broke the silence "not everyone," she shook her head.


She thought about it for a minute, "Eddie can do it." she nudged his shoulder. He met her eye, brows furrowed. "you so could,"

"yeah, i dunno-"

"I can do it guys," he spoke, nodding. Vienna grinned.

"eddie..." graham tried to interrupt.

"i can do it, I can sing almost as good" he stood up, grabbing Viennas guitar. 

"besides he's got 'it'," Vienna tried, everyone turned to look at her, "I mean, he's just as good looking as billy  s'all" she shrugged.

"come on just give me a chance" Eddie said, ready. Vienna gave a pointed look to graham, her brows high.

"i mean he's already up there," warren shrugged.

VIENNA: and then... he started singing.

He strummed the guitar, the words falling from his lips as he sang. Karen turned her head, watching inquisitively as she watched him. The soft smile upon her lips, the dimple in her cheek and this glimmer in her eye that Karen didn't quite recognise. She must've felt the heat of her stare because she begrudgingly pulled her eyes away from him. "what?," she asked, brows creasing softly.

"oh, nothing." the brit grinned.

KAREN: I knew before she did [laughs] she was in for one [pause] bumpy ride.

VIENNA: I didn't know there were warning signs when it came to love. Symptoms, even. I'd never been in love before [pause] not, real love.

I mean it was only typical of me to chose someone who was already in love with someone else.

EDDIE: my time as front man, was [pause] short lived.

WARREN: It lasted till Christmas.

CAMILA: It was a beautiful Christmas, [smiles] we were all together.

GRAHAM: It was really nice, really.

VIENNA: I didn't like babies, but i loved Julia.

KAREN: it was a bit light on the present side, i mean none of us really had a penny to our names.

WARREN: we tried, though. I'm pretty sure i got everyone a magnet. [laughs] Five finger discount.

EDDIE: I saved what money didn't go towards rent and i  brought Vienna a vinyl.

VIENNA: [smiles] 'all things must pass'.

KAREN: she loved that bloody vinyl.

WARREN: yeah, we all had to suffer because of Eddie.

VIENNA: [laughs] what can i say? I'm a George girl.

GRAHAM: and then... well, the mood was dampened. For Eddie at least.

VIENNA: we were all drunk, after one too  many 'Pittsburgh' shots, we were all in the living room. 

"Well, it took forever but she's finally asleep," Billy spoke triumphantly.

"She's asleep!" Karen cheered. The group following in chorus.

"Look, i uh- I'd like to play something for you" Billy started, "if you're open to it. I understand if you're not."

Vienna wet her lips, unsure of what exactly that meant, "we're not." Eddie spoke, silence followed.  "we're not right guys?"

"Eddie i think-"

"Oh come on, you cant do this y-you can't just walk back in here like nothing happened." Eddie slurred, cigarette hanging from his lips.

"you're right, i'm sorry" billy nodded. "I'm just gonna go check on Julia-"

slowly, everyone turned their head towards Eddie. Huffing, Vienna leant across and snatched the cigarette from his lips. "don't be an ass,"  she mumbled, he put his hands up in defence, opening his mouth to protest "listen to the damn song," she cut him off before he could speak.

"hey asshole," Billy halted, "play the damn song," he rolled his eyes.

EDDIE: and that was that, i suppose.

VIENNA: the song was... it was good. On the sappier side but i mean- we were back on track.

BILLY: there was no harm in trying to star over.

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