regret me.

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VIENNA: When i left that party [pause] I didn't know what to do with myself. Its hard to say, embarrassing almost, that i let a man  me.  That id been fooled, yet again. Except that wasn't the case this time, i'd willingly walked into the trap. I may as well have built the damn thing. [sigh] I really thought that he was different. I truly thought he might love me. Hoped that he would grow to love me the way i'd foolishly done him. Foolish or not It was gutting to know find out that he wasn't in love. Not with me anyway. I couldn't go home. It made me nauseous to even think of sleeping under the same roof as him. So, I started walking. I didn't know where i was going. Then I was in a cab staring out the window, my head completely empty and spinning. Until, i found myself outside of her door.

Three stern knocks. Her body was on autopilot at that though.  There were so many thoughts and so little time that somewhere on the drive over she'd given up and given into the passive stillness. How she had paid for the cab she didn't know, maybe she hadn't. She was preoccupied with the task at hand. The task she hadn't even thought through, not properly. Acting on emotion alone, sadness that slowly wept into anger. It was a recipe for discord. She liked that. She wanted to sting him just as he had her.  She looked down to her feet, grumbling as she kicked off her heels. Her feet were sore and achy as they felt the flat and cool surface beneath them.  The door opened with a creak.

"Vienna?" Red hair, smudged mascara. "What are you doing here? are you okay?"

"I'm fine," Vienna shrugged, lying through her teeth. Her bottom lip wobbled, she stabilised it as quick as it happened though it was enough for Daisy. The red haired girl wrapped her arms around the brunettes frame, pulling her into her chest.

They stayed like that for a minute. Vienna's grip tight, as if she thought Daisy would float away if she loosened her hand.

DAISY: She didn't have to say anything. All i saw was my fri... my sister hurting.

VIENNA: Daisy would never pry, she'd just be there. She'll listen, when you want to talk but until you make that decision she'll be there with open arms and not a word of judgment. I miss her a lot.

The redhead welcomed the other girl i without a moments hesitation. With a quick glance around the room, she wasn't sure if she was delighted or concerned. She had an album on playing, music Vienna could hear from the other side of the door. Her eyes flicked from the empty bottles cluttering the counters to the guitar on the bed. She opted the latter with full intention of coming back to the half bottle of jack she spotted.

"Let's write a song," daisy laughed.

"For what? the album?" she asked, Vienna shrugged.

"Maybe. Or for peace of mind," Vienna smiled, strumming aimlessly, "Seriously. I have this idea. well, this progression that i want to do something with."

Daisy circled the bed Vienna sat on, picking up a bottle of cheap liquor. She took a swig, effortlessly outstretching her arm to offer up some. Vienna accepted, cringing at the burn that only the cheap shit gave. 

"Huh?" Daisy looked around the room before centring in on her friend. "rough night?"

"oh, fuck you." Vienna teased, " and your out of tune guitar," she added, toying with the pegs.

"Go on," She shook her head, "serenade me."

"you gotta bump, first?"

DAISY: She played what would become 'regret me'. It was gritty , it was angry and raw. It was rock n roll, man. [laughs] We sat there, until the sun came up writing that song. It was ours. Our 'fuck you'.  Though it was a team effort, The song said everything she didn't have to. And after we had finished we went swimming.

VIENNA: Me and Daisy had a lot of fun together.

EDDIE: She didn't turn up to the studio, not when we were supposed to anyway. Part of me was glad, in a selfish kind of way. I didn't know what to say, how to approach it all.

KAREN: When she did though, we all felt the shift. 

"Yeah so, d'you want to run through it?"  Daisy asked, speaking with her arms.

"you sure billy's cool with this, just that it doesn't really give off the... 'dunne brothers' aura."  Eddie teased, headphones around his neck.

"He's not." Daisy deadpanned, "Do whatever the fuck you want. Just keep it... messy. raw and angry, yeah? That's how Vienna wants it" Daisy spoke,

"Speaking of, where is she?" Warren asked, leaning on his  drum kit.

"She didn't come home last night," Karen spoke looking around,

"She was with me," Daisy shrugged,

"So where is she now?" Graham asked, Eddie bowed his head.

"Where's who?"

"Speak of the devil," Karen eyed the girl suspiciously. "she shall appear,"

Vienna made a direct line to her guitar, lifting the strap over her head.

"Where've you been?" Daisy asked,

"I went home, none of you were there so i showered and got a cab straight here." wether it were the truth or not, it was enough for graham and warren to buy it. As for Karen though, she wasn't as easily fooled. Not when the clothes the brunette wore didn't belong to her. Eddie was suddenly very interested in the strings on his bass.

"Right." Karen played along,

"What are we doing?" She asked, placing the headphones around her neck.

"Regret me." Warren filled her in.

Shocked, she whipped her head to  Daisy. "Billy said yes?"

"not exactly." She smirked, shrugging.

"It was an Unanimous vote." Graham added. "It's a great song, Vi."

EDDIE: Suddenly the song didn't seem like such a great idea. Not when I had a sneaking suspicion that Vienna knew. One that was confirmed when we were in the break room. 

WARREN: He asked her to pass the sugar, or was it the milk. [laughs] no no, It was the milk.

EDDIE: Some part of me was foolish enough to believe that acting as if nothing had happened was the way to go.

"This milk?" She asked, sloshing around the almost empty bottle in her hand.

He nodded, looking anywhere but her eyes.

"Sure thing, sweetheart." Her sugary tone didnt match her placid face.  She outstretched her hand, smiling softly. His fingertips grazed the side of the bottle before she swiftly flipped up, the contents spilling down his blue jeans and onto his shoes. With one final flick of the bottle to ensure it was completely empty, she placed it on the side. "oh darn it, weak wrists. I hope they aren't leather."

VIENNA: they were.

EDDIE: She knew they were.

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