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VIENNA: Sometime in November, '75.

WARREN: The next album.

EDDIE: I mean, what we had going into the studio. well, it was a carbon copy of the first one.

KAREN: love ballads, songs that gave you a toothache.

VIENNA: I mean, it was billy's. We were just the accompaniment. We tried, y'know to add out two cents, but No one could get a word in edgeways.

GRAHAM: we all thought it would be the same as the first, we were stupid.

KAREN: we didn't really know what to expect.

VIENNA: Definitely not a fruit basket, but i wasn't complaining.

"again, with the legs man," warren spoke, attention solely focused upon daisy.  He stood shoulder to shoulder with Eddie, both men gawking at a bit of exposed skin.

"dude i know-" Eddie started, Vienna scoffed standing up from the edge of an amp.

She crossed the space between her and the red head, wrapping her arms around her musing a soft hello. "You okay," Vienna asked, hand finding her friends cheek. "Haven't seen you in a while,"

Daisy dodged the question, the way she did most often, "Hope you haven't missed me too much, Vi."

"There's a daisy shaped hole in my heart," Vienna sighed, dramatically. Daisy laughed, her attention falling passed Vienna and onto Warren and Eddie. Vienna followed her eye line, smile faltering.

"I'm a leg guy, y'know. that's just a fact" He turned his head, almost mumbling to Eddie, "and those legs?"

"mmhmm i mean." Eddie, let his head drop. subtle.

"they just got me a little distracted is all i'm saying"  Vienna opened her mouth to speak, though daisy beat her to it .

"warren, right?" She spoke, crossing her arms over her chest.

"yeah?" he smiled, warily.

"you know it's not my job to turn you on, right?" she asked, walking up to him. The two boys stood there, eyes wide like a deer caught in the headlights.

"i-i do.... now." he stuttered.

"great." she walked away just as Vienna approached the two, Eddie began laughing to himself. Though, he wasn't quite in the clear. A harsh slap to the back of his head.

"Ouch, what was that for?" Eddie asked, turning to face her.

She smiled, "sorry, thought i saw a mosquito" she shrugged. "you didn't see that?" she eyed Warren,

"uh, no-" Another slap, this one on Warrens shoulder.

"There it was again," She crossed her arms, "Hopefully i got it, yeah?" she nodded expectantly.

"Alright everybody,  I just want to say a few things before we get started. First off, we have a new member of the band. So, let's hear it for Daisy jones," Everyone clapped, Vienna beamed and whistled. "Thank you for being here and for doing this with us,"

"Thank you for having me," she replied, smiling.

"So it's been what, four weeks-" he began,

"I wrote a song," she interrupted, holding up a notebook. Vienna glanced at Eddie, his lips perked upwards, "well actually i've written about twenty songs i'd like to play for you guys. Sorry i wasn't trying to cut you off or anything, I was just- I'm excited about it so,"

"okay," he spoke bluntly.

BILLY: the songs were all written and ready to go.

"Well daisy, the great news is we uh," he paused "we actually have what thirteen songs for the album. so yeah, why don't we play you some and you can have a listen see if you feel strongly about any of em or y'know wanna add anything,"

SHE'S NOT THERE - daisy jones & the six Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora