Chapter Thirty: Journey

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New chapter, I hope you enjoy! ♡ Dedicated to one of my bestest friends, XxKeikoSamaxX :) Happy Friendsary. Ilysm. Ingat ka palagi. This is for you. ♡

Note: A lot of time skips lol.


Sakura stared at her pack bag, unyielding tenacity flowing through her veins. She brushed her short pink hair with the use of her fingertips as she heaved a long, tired sigh. The emerald-eyed lady took her bag and went out of her room, still wordless.

She patched a memo on the table, a letter to inform her sleeping parents that she left.

The pinkette wore a jacket with a hoodie, covering her face. She then exited the house at this late hour.

She knew that if she would do her mission, then it also means that she needs to learn how to use the Kusanagi, more known as Jigoku no Kiseki.

This is my choice. There's no backing out now.


Morning dawned upon Konohagakure and the villagers are doing their usual duties. The ANBUs are getting some missions from the new Hokage, as well as the different teams.

But still. . .

"Where is Sakura-chan?" Naruto asked cluelessly, a question mark popping over his head.

Sasuke glanced at his surroundings, trying to find a flash of pink hair. But no avail, he didn't find any familiar female with the natural cherry blossom colored locks.

Kakashi furrowed his eyebrows in confusement. Team seven is supposed to meet up here at their training grounds. The silver-haired man closed his eyes (?) in frustration, contemplating the things that he would do if ever he was in Sakura's place.

The masked Hatake knew that Sakura's absence has something to do with her cursed mark.

But just like what everyone's thinking. . . where is she?


Waterfalls from every direction was seen as the cold yet soothing wind blew heavily, enough to sweep away a certain pinkette's hoodie.

"This is. . . the Land of Waterfalls," she muttered, looking at the great views. It was an ordinary place. Just like the Land of Sound, people and surviving clans stayed here.

And this land is also were the Ōtsubo clan used to reign. Based from some of Sakura's research after reading the ripped page back at Konoha, the Ōtsubo clan has the most population here at the Land of Waterfalls. Not just that, they are also powerful ninjas but was extinct. . . for some unknown reasons.

And Sakura tends to find out what those reasons are.


"Sakura Haruno?" Tsunade muttered as she fixed her papers, "No, I don't think she went here. Even if she did ask for a mission, I'm not stupid to allow her on her own, considering that she's still a genin."

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