"Jazz!" Margaret dropped the cookie cutter on the counter and jogged happily towards him, hugging him close, her arms around his neck. Jasper hugged her with one hand and when she parted from their embrace he stopped in the bouquet with the other.

"For you," he almost whispered.

"You're such a sweetheart," she laughed, breathing in the scent of the tulips. "How'd you know these were my favorite?" She asked taking the paper from the flowers and cutting the stems diagonally.

"You said they were during history, once." He reminded her. Her hands placed the flowers on a vase elegantly.

"Thank you," she smiled, her cheeks burning at hearing he remembered. "These will be done in no time, if you want to stay for a while." She informed, pointing towards the oven. Jasper looked over at Charlie for a split second as he began to straighten.

"Yes, stay a while." Charlie offered. "You can go out when I leave for the office if you like." He nodded at her daughter. Margaret looked at both of them, slightly confused.

"Alright then." Jasper nodded, feeling the confusion from Margaret and a relieving calmness from Charlie. He went back to the living room for his newspaper and in those few minutes, Jasper took his chance and walked over to Margaret. "That smells amazing." He stated, leaning over the counter.

"Well, they're not for you." Margaret smiled teasingly as she took a tray out of the oven and placed it in the last one. She began running the water from the sink and did the remaining dishes as the last batch of cookies cooked in the oven.

"Margaret?" Jasper breathed, she looked over at him. With her hair out of her face that way she reminded Jasper of the girl he met back in the Civil War. "Would you go on a date with me?" He asked, almost in a whisper, no more than a breath that fell in between them. The only sound for a second was the running water and the clattering of the last dishes being put away. Margaret was frozen, she was taken by surprise. Her hands reached for the sink and closed the tap, earning silence once again.

"What did you say?" She murmured, looking at him, her eyes shining with hope and her mouth slightly curved upwards. Jasper felt her joy and he took her hands in his, feeling their softness in his.

"Margaret Sawn, would you make me the honor of going on a date with me?" He repeated, his Texan accent slipping through, making Maggie feel over the moon.

"Yes!" She exclaimed with a sigh, throwing her arms around his neck. "Yes, I would love to!" He hummed in his ear. He laughed softly. "Such a gentleman," she mumbled as they parted, her eyes falling on the flowers.

"I'm still a cowboy," he hummed, shrugging his shoulders and earning a laugh from Maggie. Soon after Charlie re-entered the kitchen and took a seat reading his newspaper quietly on the table. Margaret got back to her cookies and Jasper took the seat opposite Charlie on the table.

"Bloody Yankees," Charlie sighed as he opened the paper by the sports section. Margaret was placing the last cookies on a plate and began decorating when she asked, without even turning.

"What's the score?" Charlie mumbled incoherently and then dropped the paper on the table. He looked at his daughter and sighed dramatically.

"Six to five." He looked at her with sorrowful eyes.

"Damn," Maggie sighed, the icing bag in her hands wrinkling as she pressed on it.

"They'll still make it to the finals," Jasper popped in, his face determined as he peeked over the paper. "And they've got good chances of ranking high." He noted, resting comfortably on his chair.

"You bet they will," Maggie replied. "The Cubs can't fail me now, I've got a bet going with Emmett." Her long fingers dropped the decorated cookies inside their Tupperware and some others onto porcelain plates.

"You follow the baseball matches, Jasper?" Charlie asked interest surfacing in his tone.

"Sure do, sir." He replied his irresistible smile back on his face. "And this right here," he pointed at the newspaper, "could turn out just like that one game five years ago." He stated firmly. Margaret had turned to look at him in amazement. "Oh yes, that defeat in 1999 didn't mean the Cubs wouldn't make it to the finals, and get themselves in the podium!" He laughed remembering how his family and him enjoyed those carefree days.

"I hope you're right, son." Charlie hummed, a smile growing on his face. "Well, I better get going kids." He announced, picking up his keys and shoving them in his pocket. Margaret picked up the cookies she had packed for him and rushed towards him.

"Here you go," she kissed his cheek fondly, "don't let the boys finish those okay, save some for yourself." She demanded.

"Will do, Maggs." He declared, and when they embraced, and he had his mouth close to her ear he whispered ever so lightly. "I'm liking him so far." Margaret giggled softly, fully aware that Jasper behind them had heard that.

"Take care pops," Margaret called as she waved her father off. When the door closed Margaret untied her apron and in a second Jasper's strong arms were wrapped around her waist.

"That went well." He hummed in her ear. She laughed again, the warmth of his breath on her neck sending shivers down her spine. Jasper smiled into her neck, earning more giggles from her.

"Okay, now Mr. Cowboy, let me fix myself a little before you take me out." She ordered with sarcasm dripping from her voice. Jasper could get drunk on her expression, that bright smile, and shining eyes.

"You are beautiful." A blush spread around Margaret's face at his words, and she let her hair fall, covering the evidence of her love for him.

"Shut up." She huffed, rolling down the sleeves of her sweater. He waited for her downstairs, as she rushed to the bathroom and washed her hands and face thoroughly. Her hair was combed and she sprayed her favorite perfume around her. It was cold outside, with a threat of snow, which made her decide to go into her room to pick a jacket and gloves. In her room, she caught a glimpse of her reflection as she left, her flushed cheeks bright against the dark chocolate locks which melted with her brown sweater that was printed with tiny white deer. In her purse, she had shoved some white cotton gloves and she held in her hand a black puffer jacket that matched her black straight jeans and boots. The sounds of her feet striking the stairs snapped Jasper out of his trance and his eyes scanned through her. She was quite the view.

"You are beautiful," he repeated the same confidence and smile on him. She smiled now, having to believe his word. She felt beautiful, and for the first time, she felt she deserved to feel that way too. Margaret took her keys and dropped them in her purse as they left through the door.

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