Everythjng Happens For a Reason

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"To Aubrey, for being single and ready to mingle" Jess says lifting her glass for everyone to cheers to

"Woohoo single" Aubrey says as she lifts her glass "To being Finally free"

"We love you girl" says Jess kissing her best friend

"Thanks for being with me everyone, you're the best friends any woman could ask for" the group hugged together and finished their martini's as Aubrey finished her drink she walked to the bar to order more for everyone.

"Happy Birthday" she heard a voice to her left day. She quickly glanced over wondering if they were actually talking to her or someone else.

"I'm sorry?" She asked

"I said Happy Birthday" he said pointing at her sash!

"Oh, oh no. Sorry It's not my birthday" Aubrey said rectifying the Sash which appeared to have twisted. Once she had fixed it you could see that it said Divorced on it.

"Oh I'm sorry, erm... congratulations or I'm sorry then?" He said quisitivly smirking at the same time. Aubrey couldn't help but notice how incredibly good looking this guy was and he was talking to her.

"Thank you! Yes congratulations is in order, I'm finally free" she was blushing whilst holding her hands in the air with a big smile on her face.

"Haha, well then let me buy you that drink so you can celebrate your freedom properly " He said

"Wow, you don't have to do that! that's very kind of you " Aubrey replied stunned at the generosity of the stranger. He was about 5ft10 brown hair, moustache well dressed and smelt Devine, this time she was staring at him taking in his gorgeous looks.

"I insist, especially after embarrassing myself by saying happy birthday to you" he said noticing that she was staring at him he slightly blushed.

"Well I suppose today does feel like my birthday and Christmas's have all come at once, so you're technically not wrong" she replied

"Well, I appreciate you trying to make me feel better" he said " I'm Pedro by the way" he said whilst holding his hand out to Aubrey

"I'm Aubrey, lovely to meet you Pedro" she said shaking his hand.

"What are you drinking?" He asked

"I'll have a gin and tonic please" Aubrey smiled

"Hi, can I have a whiskey on the rocks and a Gin and Tonic please" he asked the barman

"So... you're divorced and happy! That's a first for me" he said grinning at Aubrey

"What do you mean?" Aubrey replied

"Well I have never seen anyone celebrate a divorce, especially by wearing a sash" he said pointing at the sash wrapped around her waist.

"Well, I was unfortunately married to a arsehole, and I decided I wanted my life back, and divorced his arse! And today that was finalised so here I am celebrating with friends "

"Oh, well in that case! Cheers" Pedro holds out his glass and the both clink to their cheers

"So what brings you out on a Friday night in London? You're not from around here judging by your accent , so Are you waiting for more people or are you alone?" Aubrey asks taking a sip of her Gin and Tonic

"Well I have just finished filming, so my friends from London have decided that I needed to get drunk before I head home back to the states tomorrow. They're on their way apparently" Pedro said looking at his watch

"Oh wow! Filming? You're an actor?" Aubrey asked

"You mean you have no idea who I am?" Pedro asked

"Should I?" Aubrey asked raising an eye brow

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