Chapter 7

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VALONA FLEW THE SKIES on Athena, searching for Korra.

She's already searched Republic City all night.

She went into the snowy terrains, and she could tell Athena was getting tired. They flew down onto the snow, and Valona got off Athena.

They walked through the snowy forest. "Korra!" Valona shouted.

"KORRA?! WHERE ARE YOU?!" Valona continued to shout.

A twig snapped and Valona got on guard, looking around.

Heavy breaths come from her mouth as she looks around.

She felt the air shift and did a back bend, dodging a icicle. She watched it fly over her face in slow motion before throwing herself back up.

She looked where it came from, seeing no one.

"Hit and run tactic huh? Coward." Valona spat, dodging another icicle from behind her.

Suddenly, a man jumped out, his arms covered in water whips which strike at her. She dodged and flipped over the water limbs, sending out a giant blast of fire towards the male who dodged it.

Suddenly, she gasped — her arm twisting in a weird way. She couldn't control her movements.

Blood bending. She realised, feeling the familiar grip.

She moved her eyes to Athena who growled at the man. "Athena, go!" She shouted, straining. Athena growled but looked at Valona who gave her pleading eyes.

Athena let out a growl but ran away.

Valona struggled against the blood bending grip as she floats towards the man in the shadows.

When she got closer, she realised who it was. "Tarrlok?" She spat out, confused. "Valona." Tarrlok treated with a smirk before punching her face, knocking her out.

. . .

"Valona!" She heard and sat up with a gasp, panting. She looked into the eyes of the person who spoke. "Korra?" Valona asked and Korra hugged her. "Thank god.." Korra muttered into her shoulder.

"Hey sugar.. are you okay?" Valona asked, rubbing her back. "Now that you're here." Korra smiled.

She looked around the small box they were in and stood up, helping Korra up.

She started to punch the box wall, they needed to get out.

"I've tried that.." Korra frowned and sat down in a meditative position as Valona beat at the metal walls of the box. She jammed her shoulder, punched it, even tried kicking it. Her knuckles were bloody, she could tell by the bloody wrap on her hands.

But she continued to punch and attack the walls of the cell, panting profusely and sweating. She leaned her arms on the wall, sweat dripping from her chin as she panted.

Korra informed her about Aang's memories she was going through, so she wouldn't respond unless Valona actually shook her or something.

Valona's breath stuttered, her disheveled hair going over her eyes.

She continued to attack the walls. "Tarrlok! You bastard! Let us out!" Valona shouted. She let out an enraged breath, produced fire.

Korra finished looking at the memories. "Aang.. this whole time you were trying to warn me about Tarrlok.." Korra realised. They heard a door creak open and Valona stopped hitting the cell walls.

"My life is a disaster now, thanks to you both!" They heard Tarrlok and smirked at eachother. "So, your little blood bending secrets out?" Korra smirked. Tarrlok growls in annoyance. "And I know how you bloodbent us without a full moon." Korra continued.

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