Chapter 4

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VALONA FURROWED HER EYEBROWS, listening to the radio. She recently rented out an apartment after the gala and now the bullshit she was hearing on the radio made her annoyed.

"Amon, I challenge you to a duel. No task force, No chi-blockers, just the two of us, tonight at midnight on Avatar Aang memorial island. Let's cut to the chase and settle this thing... if you're man enough to face me." Korra said and it reminded Valona's of Katara's story on how she found her waterbending master.

"That idiot!" Valona groaned, laying back on her bed. Her gaze landed over to her katana. She got it back from Beifong after the gala.

It slowly turned to night time.

Valona put her katana sheath on her back and lifted the mask around her neck over her nose.

She left her apartment through the window and jumped from building to building till she made it to the docks of Republic City.

She jumped into the water, using her waterbending to propel her forward — target locked on Avatar Aang Memorial Island.

She broke the surface of the water at the edge of the island as the bell rings, signalling the clock strikes Midnight.

She slowly rose out of the water, crouching down as she blends into the shadows.

She heard multiple thuds and narrowed her eyes, jumping up onto a higher level before scaling the building. She made it outside the centre, seeing Korra knocked out — surrounded by Amon and his troops.

Valona narrowed her eyes, climbing the side of the wall on the inside and attaching to the roof, using the support beams up top like monkey bars.

She made it directly on top of the spot in front of Korra, where Amon slowly stood. Korra was awake and Valona listened to Amon speak.

"Our showdown, while inevitable — is premature. Although it would be the simplest thing for me to take away your bending right now, I won't. You'd only become a martyr." Amon started.

"Benders of every nation would rally behind your untimely demise. But I assure you, I have a plan, and I'm saving uo7 for last. Then, you'll get your duel.. and I will destroy you!" Amon continued. Valona could tell Korra was petrified.

Before Amon could strike, Valona dropped down with a roar of blue fire, making everyone back away. She broke Korra free from her chains and Korra groaned in pain and exhaustion.

"I got you, Sugar.. rest now." Valona muttered, holding Korra close to her as she stands on guard. Korra passed out at her words.

"Amon." Valona spat — looking at said man. "How.. unexpected." Amon hummed, narrowing his eyes.

Valona looked at the chi blockers circling her and grinned like a feral lion underneath her mask. "Come and get it." She smirked.

Three chi blockers tried to get her, but she breathed in and let out a giant roar of fire, sending the chi blockers flying out the exit and into the water.

Amon and the other chi blockers look at her in surprise. "Begone, or I won't show mercy." Valona snarled, holding Korra tighter to her chest. More chi blockers went to attack, but Amon held up an arm.

"Don't, it's pointless. Fall back." Amon ordered his troops who straightened up and followed him out.

Normally, Valona wouldn't let someone get away so easily, but she has an injured Korra in her arms. She was Valona's main priority.

Gathering the water from the air, which took some slight effort, she lowered Korra to the ground and started to heal her. The glow of the water lighting up Valona's masked face.

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