Chapter 6

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SO, APPARENTLY, CABBAGE CORP is closing because it's allies with the equalists.

And now, she was with Korra on the roof of City Hall with Lin and Tenzin. "So, you think Mr. Sato manufactured those gloves for the equalists, then framed Cabbage corp?" Tenzin asked Korra who nodded.

"That's a bold accusation. But what proof do you have?" Lin asked, hands on her hips. "Well, I don't exactly have proof, but I know what I heard.. Sato's up to something." Korra replied.

"He does have the means. And he has a motive." Lin murmured, a hand up to her chin as she thinks. "That's right." Tenzin said as Lin crossed her arms.

"A motive? What is it?" Valona asked. "12 years ago, the Agni Kai Triad robbed Sato's mansion. A fire bender killed Sato's wife during the break-in." Tenzin replied and Korra frowned. "That's terrible." She murmured.

"It was tragic. It's possible he's been harbouring anti-bending sentiment all this time." Tenzin said. "Lovely." Valona said, dryly.

"Maybe we should look at Mr. Sato a little more closely." Lin murmured.

In the morning, Lin, Valona and Tenzin showed up to the Sato estate with Korra. They entered, ignoring the flabbergasted butler and headed to Sato's office — Korra staying behind.

They entered and closed the door behind them.

"Mr. Sato, we just have a few follow up questions for you." Lin said and the door opened. "My father is innocent." Asami Sato said, storming in.

"Just because we're not benders, doesn't mean we support those awful equalists." Asami raged, storming up to Valona and the others.

Asami stood behind Hiroshi's desk. "Equalists?! Is that what this is about?" Hiroshi asked. Valona looked at an angry Asami and frowned.

"I can assure you, I have nothing to do with those radicals." Hiroshi said.

"Yeah, you don't know what you're talking about, Korra." Mako spat, glaring at Korea.

"Pipe down, Mako." Valona glared at Mako who widened his eyes and straightened up, swallowing thickly.

"I overheard you on the phone, you said the Cabbage Corp investigation bought you time, and you're getting ready to strike. Explain that." Korra demanded.

Hiroshi chuckled. "This is all just a misunderstanding, resulting from a young avatars over-active imagination. My number one competitor was knocked out of the game, it's providing me an opportunity to strike the market with a new line of Sato-mobiles. It's just business, nothing nefarious." Hiroshi explained.

Why did Valona feel like he was lying?

Lin and Tenzin exchange looks. "In order to put all suspicions to rest, might we have a look into your factories and warehouses?" Tenzin asked.

Asami sighed in annoyance but Hiroshi held up a hand. "If you feel it's necessary, you're welcome to search all of future industries." Hiroshi said.

He sounded too.. happy with that? Valona stared at Hiroshi who had a victorious, menacing glint in his eye and the furrowed eyebrows on his face just add to that. He looks like he won something.

. . .

After searching the factories and getting information from a sketchy man under a bridge, they were now on a airship, heading to the Sato mansion.

Valona sat in a chair, her knees tucked up to her chest as she zoned out.

She couldn't stop the thoughts raging her mind, the guilt for harming Lin and Tenzin during Amon's attack. Her mind also races on the suspicions of Hiroshi Sato.

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