"Yes sir!" Mingi flushed. Although Jihoon hadn't had a normal father-daughter interaction with Y/n, it didn't make him feel less protective towards her.

"Also!" Jihoon added. "You need to be ready anytime of the day. The second we are informed about Songil's underlings heading here, you'll be notified to go into Songil's headquarters"

"By that, you mean just me, right sir!" Mingi remarked, but deep down he knew that wouldn't be true.

"You, Jisung, and Y/n. Since Minho is already going to be there, I'm not mentioning him"
Shook! The two of them were speechless. Y/n turned to look at Mingi for support, he was already looking at her. His eyes widened filled with concern.
Weren't they supposed to keep her safe? How is this even close to being safe?

"Sir?" Mingi finally uttered.

"What?!" but Y/n shout stopped him from continuing.
"I'm not even ready. Weren't you trying to keep me safe, because that doesn't sound safe at all"

Then at that moment, Jihoon chuckled in front of her face.

"Laughing? Really?!" she had it with him. How could he be so unsympathetic? He really thought such a thing was amusing, while she on the other hand was getting closer to a meltdown.

Jihoon stopped and looked up, meeting her eyes again, this time smiling at her. "You sound just like your mother. You even have her temper, but hon...this is the safest I could keep you. Just so you know, for you nowhere is safe even if I flew you abroad. Songil can easily track you and end you or worst he can put you in his collection." 
collection she forgot about that part.

"So the safest place is close to someone that can protect you, like your brother. He's well trained for times like this..."

"...Minho is excellent in close combat but I don't think you'll interact with him since he'll be in the basement."
is he forgetting somebody else?

"...Jeongsu might be there too if Songil leaves him behind at the headquarters but we're not sure yet."
How did he remember Jeongsu and not him!

"So I think you're in good hands since also the best fighters will be on our territory for their 'surprise' attack." Jihoon laughed at the last part.
But again, did he really forget about him? He's even standing in front of him.

"I guess with Mingi being there too," Y/n raised her voice when mentioning his name, still looking at her father's face like she was about to have a concussion.
"-I'm feeling better already" 
Mingi felt finally relieved.

"Mhm" but Jihoon continued with his work as if he couldn't care less about what his daughter told him.

"If that was all, we'll be leaving now" Y/n said waiting for Jihoon to dismiss her only to get waved away like any other useless person Jihoon would encounter.

As soon as she got that awfully rude message, she turned around and started walking towards the exit. Yes Mingi was following her. Worried about her.

"Are you okay?" Mingi asked Y/n, trying to catch up with her on the big stairway.

"Yes and no, but mostly no"

"Looking at how you handled the situation, I can see that your willpower has become stronger."
Y/n stopped in her track, in the middle of the stairs, making Mingi stop inches behind her, only to look at him confusingly disgusted with what came out of his mouth. Then proceeded walking ahead of him.
"Just shut up already!" she muttered after.


In the meantime, while Y/n and Mingi where getting to Yonsei, Jisung was notified by Jihoon's men in code.
Since phones, especially now, were without a doubt more possible to getting tracked.
We wouldn't want to risk that.

" Songil is furious." Minho whispered.

By notifying Jisung, that meant he would be the one notifying Minho in advance.

"I haven't seen him this aggrivated ever. Everything is moving faster now ."

"W-what do you mean by that?" Jisung got invested.

"Well firstly, while we were there, he told Jeongsu to call everyone. So in other words he is calling for every men that has some kind of connection with them." Minho explained looking at Jisung's every feature change while he analyzed the new information.


"So the so called war is coming sooner. Also, Songil was explaining to us about the girls in the basement. At that same night m, on the same time they are going to attack, they'll have them transfer. They are having a ship ready in Donghae, shipping them to Japan."

"How many of Songil's underlings will be there to transfer them?" Jisung asked.

But Minho didn't have an exact number. " Maybe 15 men tops. But it could be less given the fact that the girls are weak and can't fight back, but there is also the possibility that they might drug them."

"That would be hard for us to get them out of there faster. You should make something up, if they come up with that option"

Minho nodded. He would do anything for those girls to get saved. It was a human life after all, it's unfair for someone to take that from them.

"For the time being, let's not interact at all. It'll be best for both parties" Jisung added. "If anyone asks, say Jisung's threatening you in order to leave him alone or something between those lines"

Minho nodded again. Couldn't say a word.
As Jisung was about to leave, something pushed Minho to talk.

"Good luck!" Minho shocked himself " I know we might meet again here, maybe, if something important comes up. But in case we don't see each other, until the war begins...Good luck with the operation"

Jisung stopped. His back was still facing Minho, and he didn't intend to move from that position. It took him a minute to process what Minho just said to him.

"You too" came out as a whisper from him before continuing to leave again.

The beginning of a spark was felt in that moment, inside of someone's spirit...


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