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Arthur pov:

It had been quite a while since I was reincarnated into this world and found out about the existence of mana and mages , 

However not much had changed for me , even with this body I couldn't feel a trace of emotion anymore , my mother and father are very caring people but I couldn't care less about them .

I had decided to live this life quietly without standing out and operating in the shadows until I gather a significant amount of power to live my life as a free person , this world is more wild than my previous one with practices like slavery still at large which makes being powerless a pretty terrifying idea , although being powerless in any type of world is terrifying , as no matter how civilized humans get they will always go to there primal nature in desperate times and since suffering is an essential part of human nature there will be desperate times.

Anyway the technology and science in this world is rather underdeveloped which can be a huge factor in gaining advantage for eg fire burns due to the presence of oxygen and as long as you are able to create a vacuum a fire mage wouldn't be anything more than a helpless insect .

I will simply try to go undetected by everyone for as long as I can and only play my cards when the time is right , for now that is all I can do .

Timeskip(4 YRS)

It has been 4 yrs since I started making my mana core I had made a core when I was 3 and now I was a solid orange , of course no one found out about this as I wear an artifact that help one conceal their core level , it was fairly easy to obtain since no one with a core actually tries to hide it isn't very expensive , I however had found mine through a different way .

Over time I had analyzed all I could about this continent through books and stories and somethings just didn't add up , first of all the people that had created some incredibly amazing artifacts in the world suddenly just disappeared of the map , there could be natural reasons for their fall but they literally built flying cities , so it was pretty unlikely that they died in some great flood or earthquake ,another reason could have been war but that was unlikely since apparently they were a peaceful race not to mention there were no weapons from the ancient mages present ,so  the only reason I could thing of was genocide being a formal genocidal maniac myself , of course I didn' t just think of that as a reason without thinking of possible candidates that could slaughter such an advanced race and the answer was simple , it was the deities that did it , that or the ancient mages were the deities regardless I had to be vigilant and grow stronger cause there was a high chance that if there really were deities they could still be around.

I thought as I drained the last bit of mana I had in my system and called it a day .

Apparently my father was offered a job in the city of Xyrus and he had decided to move with us and accompanying us on our journey were Twin Horns , a group of adventurers my father and mother used to work with,

Speaking of my mother , she had grown distant from me over the past years and due to my strange behavior she had stopped looking after me for the most part , it just proved my beliefs about how shallow human relations truly are , emotions like love are mere distractions to keep one from reaching their goal , and people for the most part like to throw words like love is powerful around when it is convenient for them to.

Timeskip :

I had gotten acquainted with the members of twin horn and they weren't remarkable to say the least , a man named Adam offered me to teach some basic sparring and I refused saying I had no intention of becoming an adventurer , well I just didn't want to waste any energy with that buffoon but I guess I couldn't say that to his face directly ,

As the ride continued I kept analyzing the others , the most interesting was Jasmine Flamesworth who was a wind conjurer and seeing that her title was Flamesworth and her general behavior I could only come up with one analysis , she was a failure , not that it mattered , she was of no use to me in the grand scheme of things .

I suddenly sensed a hidden bloodlust all around the cliff we were passing through , I just pushed Alice to the side as an arrow lodged itself where she was previously sitting this immediately alerted everyone as they began to take countermeasures there were nearly 30 bandits with  4 mages nothing I couldn't handle alone given I was currently a dark yellow , but I let the others do their job and it  was going fairly well , though some of our members were injured it wasn't life threatening , Alice was trying to protect herself she tried to cover me but I just moved away ,there was a strange look on her face , I didn't need her pity after I had saved her life , humans were truly vile creatures they show kindness only if you help them first , was she trying to get even with me by saving me since I saved her , how repulsive .

  Suddenly there was a loud thud outside the wagon door , looking out I saw Reynolds against the carriage injured , hmm how disappointing , Alice immediately got out to help him and as soon as she healed him the bandits went nuts , 

*sigh * How troublesome , having had enough of both this family and these bandits I decided to get rid of both of them at the same time , a mage had shot a water cannon in the direction of Alice I covered my body in mana only enough to make me seem like a newly awakened and threw Alice out of harm's way and tanked the hit killing most of the bandits using a vacuum spell I created to literally crush someone's lungs , the twin horns my family , had strange looks on their faces as I fell down the cliff into the green forest below , at that moment I wondered why would they dread over the death of someone they didn't even know , but soon I realized why it was because they were responsible to keep me safe , as always humans are so repugnant.

I activated a wind spell to slow my fall and landed graciously on the ground , I did feel someone trying to enter the my mind but I immediately blocked it off , years of hellish torture can make you pretty  strong, mentally .

 I allowed this person to speak to me however curious of their intention , 

"So mind introducing yourself " I asked waiting for an introduction 

"Oh you are pretty calm for someone who fell of a  cliff and has an unknown person inside their head" 

"If that is all you have to say I am blocking you out" I said 

"W-Wait " the voice responded in a desperate tone 


"Ahem I am Ddraig the welsh" Oops wrong fanfic

"I am Sylvia and I would like you to come to my dwelling as I can send you back to your family "She finally replied 

"Not interested" I flatly declined , even if I had any intention of going back following a shady voice in the woods would probably be the last way I would go about doing it.

"Wait ,What?" She replied apparently bewildered 


To be continued 


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