Demolition Lovers

Start from the beginning

After awhile, the other three all woke up. Breakfast was handed out, and Dan felt like it was a good time to go pee.

When he finished his business, he didn't quite feel like going back in the room, but he did so anyways. He didn't want to be left alone out in the hall. Not with rampant zombies about.

When he walked in, Dan noticed everyone in a circle. It looked slightly cultish.

"Oh no," Dan sighed, already knowing what was about to happen.

"Daniel," Phil said, using some weird voice. It was the same voice he used when the did the Photo booth Challenge on YouTube. "Truth or dare, Daniel."

"Jesus Christ Phil! Stop that! And truth, I pick truth." Dan pinched the bridge of his nose and sat down between Tyler and Phil. Tyler grinned.

"What do you regret most?" Tyler said, holding that stupid grin on his face.

Not asking Phil to be my boyfriend sooner.

Dan thought that but didn't say a thing. He didn't want to say that. Well, he did but he didn't at the same time. Instead, he acted as if thinking deeply before saying, "I regret not unpausing Dil. Now he has to be forever paused in his universe." Dan actually did regret that. He wasn't lying. Dil would be paused forever.

Everyone started laughing. It was a silly truth, but Dan was being honest. He rolled his eyes then looked at Troye.

"Alright Troye. Truth or dare?"

"Hmmm... Dare!"

Dan bit his lip slightly, thinking of dares.

"Alright, I don't want to risk your life or anything, so just, go and sit in the hall for five minutes. If anything comes, kill or just run back in here." Dan rolled his eyes as Troye stood and kissed Tyler, then picked up his knife and went out into the hallway. At this point, they just decided to skip Troye until he came back.

"Knowing Troye, he'd pick me, so Phil, truth or dare?" Tyler beamed happily, and Phil smiled.

"Lay a dare on me, Tyler!" Dan couldn't help but smile and laugh. Phil always made everything funny and awkward at the same time.

"Hmm.. Kiss Dan!"


"Unless Dan doesn't want to participate in the dare. Then I'll make up a new dare." Tyler glanced at Dan and raised an eyebrow. Dan could feel his cheeks begin to burn.

"I-I... Just do it already! Get this dare over-" Dan's eyes widened as he felt Phil's lips meet his. It took all of Dan's willpower not to press back into the kiss, to kiss Phil back. It was no more than five seconds that they kissed and Dan could hear his heart beat in his ears, even after Phil broke away. Of course, Phil was smiling and high-fiving Tyler. It was almost painful and Dan wanted to run. His whole body was screaming run.

"Alright Phil, it's your turn."

Dan didn't hear anything after that. He called it quits, saying he didn't want to play anymore, and sat away from the group when Troye came back in. After about, 20 minutes or so, Dan got up and grabbed his gun and knife. He told Tyler (why him? He was the closest) that he was going to go for a walk. Tyler looked worried but said okay.

When Dan got outside the apartment, the cool, brisk air of the outside. He decided to test his luck and climb a nearby tree to stay off the ground. He didn't go too high up, since he was clumsy and could hurt himself. Up there, he could still barely see the horizon, but he felt a little bit safer.

"Hand in mine, into your icy blues
And then I'd say to you we could take to the highway
With this trunk of ammunition too
I'd end my days with you in a hail of bullets"

Dan sighed as he quietly sang the MCR song. It felt as if the song fit perfectly for how today was going.

"I'm trying, I'm trying
To let you know just how much you mean to me
And after all the things we put each other through and-"

Dan stopped, hearing something in the distance then seeing a cat run from a bush. He decided to continue singing.

"I would drive on to the end with you
A liquor store or two keeps the gas tank full
And I feel like there's nothing left to do
But prove myself to you and we'll keep it running."

His eyes began to water. Dan rubbed his eyes.

"But this time, I mean it
I'll let you know just how much you mean to me
As snow falls on desert sky
Until the end of everything
I'm trying, I'm trying
To let you know how much you mean
As days fade, and nights grow
And we go cold."

And cold it started to get as Dan realized the sun finally set. Hopping from the tree, Dan slowly and quietly made it to the door before seeing a rogue zombie. Fight to flight mode kicked on and Dan dashed inside. No use in fighting one when there could be a pack close by. Dan wasn't risking it.

But the song kept playing in his head, even after he made it back into the room. In the room, everyone was asleep but Phil.


He ignored Phil's questioning and grabbed a sleeping bag, laying it out and rolling into it.

Dan turned away from Phil, eyes watering before he started to drift to sleep.

And as we're falling down, and in this pool of blood
And as we're touching hands, and as we're falling down
And in this pool of blood, and as we're falling down
I'll see your eyes, and in this pool of blood
I'll meet your eyes, I mean this forever

Dan rubbed his eyes before finally falling asleep for the night.

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