"You look at her like she's the most beautiful person on the planet. It's hard to think you're joking when there's that."

"Well can you blame me? She is!" Ember exclaims. "And oh my lordie she's so cute!"

They dive into a conversation about Ember's crush. She goes on and on. Liam and Paige both stand by her with small smiles as they listen.

Eventually though, Paige has to ruin the moment. "As cute as this is. We need to get our stuff and head to class before the bell rings."

Ember sighs. "I know. It's just so cool to talk about her to people that actually know."

"Ian knows. Don't you talk to him?" Paige raises her eyebrows. Liam does too but for different reasons. Ian knows?

"No. Ian says I'm gross and pushes me to tell her and just won't sit and listen. Not like you guys."

Liam smiles. Sitting and listening is one of his talents. Paige smiles too.

"Alright well, let's go." Ember says, sighing dramatically and spinning around. "Until next time friends."

And then she's walking away. Paige laughs quietly before turning to look at Liam and walking away herself. "Bye."

Liam waves a little and then goes to class himself. The class in which he hates. He decides though that it's still better than dinners with his parents so maybe hate is a strong word.

No, nevermind. He hates it.

He sits in the desk and lays his head down. He's tired. He's always tired but today he's especially tired.

The weekend was very draining. His parents are draining. He wants to sleep forever.

He can't sleep forever though. Someone or something always wakes him up. He could honestly probably have a fair shot at it if no one woke him up.

The bell rings and he sits up, coming out of his half asleep trance. It isn't perfect though because his brain is still foggy. Learning with a foggy brain is quite difficult.

So of course, he doesn't learn anything first hour.

Seeing Paige afterwards seems to clear up the brain fog. He talks to her on the way and feels a little better about himself. Class is spent talking quietly in hushed whispers.

He seems okay up until the teacher starts talking in third hour. Then the brain fog comes back full swing and stays for fourth hour as well. Liam thinks sometimes that it will never leave permanently.

He's gotten quite used to it though so if it doesn't that won't be all bad.

After what seems like more than four hours, the lunch bell finally rings. Liam stands from his seat with a small smile, relieved to have a break from trying to learn with a distracted mind.

He walks down the hall and towards his locker. After stuffing all his stuff in his locker he shuts it with a small sigh. Before he can feel any worse though his friends are at his side.

"Hey." Ember smiles at him widely.

"Hi." Liam says back.

The three of them fall into step together and begin to walk to the cafeteria. Ember is in a very bubbly mood today and it shows since she skips while she walks.

"So... we're gonna be hanging out at my house more now right?" Ember looks over at Liam. Paige looks at him too.

"Um..." Liam thinks about it. He did have a lot of fun. "Yeah. Sure."

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