chp 15

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In the air, two people exchanged blow after blow.

"What the hell are you!? How much stamina do you have!" Velda shouted.

"Ahhhh... I don't know. Blame that being... ahh anyway... here!" The man sent a huge shockwave to Velda.

"Kughhhh..." velda managed to deflect the attack, but suddenly the man disappeared.

"What... where-"

"Boo!" The man appeared from behind, aiming for Velda's neck.

Velda quickly turned around and parried the attack.

'This guy... seems like he's holding back...' (Velda)

"Very well, milord! It's time for-" before he finished his sentence. The man's eyes widened in surprise.

' no no no no! Who released that dragon!?' (The man)

Velda who noticed the man's silence, quickly rushed towards the man and stabbed him right in the chest.

"Kughhhk! W-Wait! This is cheating!!!" The man shouted while trying to remove the sword. However, the more he moved, the deeper the sword sunk in.

"Hahhhh... finally. Just die in peace..." said velda.

"O-Oi! M-Milord!? How could you... aghhh! C-Cedric! Retreat!!! Aghhh, help me! Ahhhh!" The man continued to scream like a madman as Velda thrust his sword deeper into his chest.

"Gahhh! Okay okay okay! Cedric! Help me first, then we'll retreat! That dragon seal is broken! And also, veldanava-sama... can you remove your sword?" The man said to velda with sudden puppy eyes.

"...You're really strange. I don't know how my other self can handle you... really." Velda then pulled his sword out of the man's chest.

"Ahhh... thank you. A-Anyway! Cedric! Chaos! It's time to retreat, bitch!"

The man who was currently fighting with Enkidu and Gilcaster then nodded.

As for the other one...

In the ground, there you can see Rimuru's counterpart, lying dead.

"Ahhhh... figures. Anyway, let's go!"

The two of them then flew away, into the sky or so they thought. But they flew towards Damargania.

3rd POV


A country where humans and monsters lived together. Now it's just a pile of rocks.

There is nothing left. Not a goblin or even a human in sight.

"Rimuru... are you alright?" Velda asked.

"...yes. This... how could they do this..." his voice began to tremble, his body shaking.

Velda then hugged him, calming Rimuru down.

Meanwhile, Gilcaster and Enkidu were just looking around the ruins, hoping they would find something.

"... why!? How could they do this ...." he began to cry loudly in Velda's arms.


"Shhh... it's okay. You're strong, okay? Shhh~" Velda just patted his head.

"Don't be a crybaby, Rimuru. You're a king, aren't you? So, act like one." Gilcaster said, followed by a nod from Enkidu.

After a while, Rimuru regained his composure.

'Ciel. Analyze, now.'

{As you wish...}

"So, where are we going?" Asked enkidu.

"Hmm, communication with Chaldea is blocked by somekind of energy." Answered gilcaster.

"Rimuru, Ruler. You are from this world, aren't you? Where do you think we should go?" Gil's question made rimuru think for a moment before looking at velda.

""The Ice Continent!""


(Ice Continent)

A huge snow-covered castle is seen in the middle of a snowstorm.

An ice continent.

Inside the castle, sat a red-haired man... but the interior... looked like there was a battle a while ago.

The floor was cracked, the ceiling and so on.

"Cihh... now that rimuru is gone missing... facing Feldway would be a stupid move. Velzard is now in recovery state... tch. Just where are you, slime!?"

Suddenly, the gate opened and revealed two servants in their worn-out clothes.

"Master! Rimuru-sama wishes to see you!" Rain said.

Hearing that, Guy then looked confused but his anxiety was now gone at the same time.

'He's already back?' (Guy)

The guy nodded and waited.

After that, Rimuru and his party entered the castle.

"Rimur-no... you're not Rimuru... who are you?" Said guy.

"...Looks like feldway really beat you out of shit, eh?" Said rimuru.

"...You! You... you're not from this world, are you?" Guy then got off his throne and walked over to rimuru.

"Hooo? You can tell? Then... tell me, what happened to Tempest?"

"Hahahaha... there's no need to rush. First, why don't you introduce your friend over there?" Guy said to Gilcaster, Enkidu and Velda.

"They are Ruler, Gil, and Enkidu. Now, answer my question. What is going on with this world?" Rimuru asked while looking at Guy.

Guy only smirked.

"Hooo? Well then, how about we make a deal?" Guy said as he brought his face closer to Rimuru's.

"...What is it?"

"You help me find our rimuru, and I'll tell you the situation."

'Let me guess... at the End of Time and Space?' (Rimuru)

{That's right. Currently, your other selves are absorbing all the energy in that place. It is estimated that to complete it... 5 days in this world, since concept does not exist in that place}

'Cool. Now what's left is...'

{Report: Individual Guy is the one who holding the Grail}.

'Really? That's... good. So, who is the person who destroyed the Tempest?'

{It's still unknown, but judging from the magic in the air, it was most likely the result of Veldora and someone's fight.}

'...that lizard.'

"Okay. We have a deal, Guy." Rimuru replied.

"But. You might want to hand over the Grail, you know?" Rimuru said with a grin.

Guy only chuckled and showed the grail.

"I don't know if this thing is called a grail, but you can have it. Because it's of no use to me..." he said as he tossed it to Rimuru.

{Report: This grail is not what caused the singularity. Most likely, there are two grails in this reality}.

'Now what... there are two? That's good. Anyway...'

And then, guy told Rimuru and the others everything that happened in the world.

??? POV

In unknown place, there's a dragon.

Purple and black like void, emitting destruction aura.


The roars make the place tremble.

Suddenly, a white haired man appeared and looking at the dragon with a big grin.

"For Veldanava-Sama~"



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