chp 5

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3rd POV

Now back to the simulation room, at the field there standing the Knights of Round Table and Rimuru.

This is happened because rimuru accept their challenge to have a match.

Though, its not called a match since Mordred, Lancelot, Gawain, Tristan, Bedivere will fighting against our slime.

So its basically 5 vs 1.

Some servants is intrigued by this fight or maybe they just want to see how powerful rimuru is...
So one by one the simulation room filled with servants like... Ishtar, Ereshkigal, Leonidas, Merlin, Jeanne d'Arc, Cu Chulainn and his mentor Scathach and many more...

Also, Gudako and Mashu too is here.
At first, Gudako tried to stop this so-called match, but seeing rimuru smile makes her blushing and then she just give up.

"Now, mock battle beetwen Rimuru and Knights of Round Table will begin!" The voice said.

Meanwhile, in the command room Romani is too busy writing some note? Well, its not that important so lets skip to the battle.


Rimuru POV

Hehhh... so many servants here gathered just to see our fight...

{Report, most likely they want to know about your power and also your Noble Phantasm} ciel replied.

Heh... really, am I that mysterious in their eyes?

"Rimuru, are you ready?" Mordred ask me as the rest of the knights starts to form some formation, tho its not that I care.

Smiling, I just replied with a little "yeah, come at me"



3rd POV

The first one to launch an attack was lancelot, he dash forward to rimuru closing their gap and then tried to slash rimuru head. Unfortunately, because of Castle Guard sound of *clang* can be heard after Lancelot's sword clash with rimuru.

"What? A barrier?"

"Yep, are you done?" Rimuru then grab lancelot by his hand and throw him into the Knights and that is Tristan.

"Oi oi oi! Catch me tristan!" Shouted Lancelot.

Thankfuly Tristan catched Lancelot, but he catch him by his collar not wanting to make a skinship.

Tristan then put (throw?) Lancelot on the ground.

"Gahhh! What the hell! At least be gentle!" He complained.

"Now is my turn!" Mordred shouted as he rush toward rimuru same like Lancelot did.

"You guys really that stupid?" Rimuru sighed as he appeared behind Tristan and Lancelot as he kicked both of them from behind, sending them into the other side of the wall.

"Wha!? Since when!" Gawain then take this chance to attack rimuru from the side while he busy with kicking those two.


Sound of someone got slashed can be heard, but the one who Gawain cut is just rimuru's after image.

"Really... this is boring guys" sighed rimuru as he now floating in the sky.

Some servants then wide their eyes, curious to how Rimuru can fly (?)

Merlin in the other side, looking at rimuru with thoughtfull expression.

"Oi! Shouldn't you be serious too?" Shouted Mordred.

"Let me handle this!" Bedivere then start to launch an slash that covered with light-aura? Towards rimuru.

"Now this is fun!" Smirked rimuru as he take out his sword (random) from Imaginary Space and starts to parry the slash.




Sound of sword can be heard in this room as the slash slowy got bigger and bigger.

"You got be kidding me... he still have that stamina after Bedivere attack?" Mumbles Tristan.

"Now... what about this!" Tristan then starts to fire an arrow coated with fire-like toward rimuru.

Slowly the battle, from boring turns into serious one shortly after rimuru land on the ground.

"Now... let me show you, what is "power" actually mean" smirked rimuru as he starts to release his Demon Lords Haki.

Suddenly, the room filled with nothing but pure magicules and a little bit of Turn Null.

The knights who is standing, forced to kneel before the Power of our slime.

As for the servants who watching this battle, their have a hard time to breath just because of rimuru's aura.

Though Gudako and Mashu is protected by Castle Guard.

"S-Such aura!" Cu Chulainn tried his best not to passed out just by this aura.

"To think that just by the aura..." groaned Ishtar as she try to cast a barrier around all servants but failed due to the density of rimuru's magicules.

"Rimuru! Can you stop the aura... the others is hard to-"

"Oops... sorry Master-san!" Smiled rimuru as he turn off his aura, making the simulation room once again lighter (somehow).

Looking for air to breath, the servants let a long sigh and then look at rimuru

Some with fear, admiration, and maybe rivalry.

"You guys okay?" Asked rimuru to Knights of Round Table.

Their reaction are really good, too good that maybe I can use it as discord profile. Ahem, sorry.

"Yeah... you just too strong! But this clear my suspicous! You are good person after all" Laughed Mordred as she starts to pat softly (lie, is hard) rimuru back.

The other knights just nodded at Mordred statement.

"You know that I can train you if you don't mind?" Rimuru smiled.

After rimuru said that words, all the servants gather around him... wanting him to teach them.


Alter POV

Still on the Medical room, now Nightingale is scolding me for using NP.

Who do you think I am? A kid?

But, when I say that she scolded me for 2 hours straight.

"...tch, wasted my time" I said with little annoyed.

"You need to rest more, Ms. Alter!" Nightingale said as she slowly leaves the room.

But suddenly, an aura? No its more like pressure can be feeled in entire Chaldea.

Nightingale who wants to leave the room, instantly kneeled before the aura.

"What is this aura?" I said with a little shocked. But whats more shocked is... why I don't feel anything?

Its like... someone put a barrier around me.

And thats how I suddenly heard a voice, a male one.

<...tch, so you are the one chosen by Master?> The voice said said with a hint of annoyance.

But slowly the aura then starts to dissapear.

Leaving just me and Nightingale who now is trying her best to regain her calm.

'Who are you?'

<...hmph, hate to introduce myself but my name is...>

Who? Well, guess!
See ya!

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