chap 12

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3rd POV

In an unknown location, there was a sofa? A large screen? And two figures, sitting side by side while staring at the screen.

"So, why are you here?" The brown-haired man asked the other figure.

The figure was transparent, similar to a ghost or something.

"Me? You're the one who summoned my consciousness, so I should be the one asking you. Why did you summon me?"

Silence. The brown-haired man just chuckled.

"Nothing. I'm just bored here... and also, it's about time your creation made its debut, isn't it?" The man said while grinning at the figure.

"Uhhh... I completely forgot about that... wait, give me a minute"

The figure then stood up from the sofa, and began to chant an unknown spell.

After the spell was completed, a rift opened. It revealed a man, with blindfolded, his body covered in scars, and not to mention... He was 6.3 feet tall.

"You summoned me, my lord?" The man said while kneeling in front of the figure.

"Hehehe... see this, Rique? He's the most perfect creation I've ever made!" The figure said with a smug face.

"Yeah, yeah... whatever"

"Now, Veltro... your time has come. I hope you will entertain me" the figure said.

"Of course my Lord. This lowly creature will not let you down!"

Seeing that, Rique just let out a long sigh and sat back down.

"By the way Retro... what are you going to do after this?"

"Me? Well, my current form is just a mere avatar created by you. So, how about we have some wine, hmm?" He said as he sat back down, leaving Veltro standing behind them.

"Sure, let me get it quickly..." Rique then snapped his fingers and suddenly a Maid and Butler appeared.

They then began pouring Retro some red wine, while Rique some white.


"...yes, you're right."

The two of them then spent their time, drinking wine while watching on the big screen.

Showing the battle of Rimuru and Velda.

"You know that you should make Velda more OP, right?" Retro said while taking a sip of his wine.

"Mehhh... maybe later..."


3rd POV

After the fight between Rimuru and Velda, some of the servants started making lists to not make them angry or something.

Of course, Rimuru knew about it but he ignored it.

"Rimuru..." said Saber (Alter) while walking towards him.

"Hmm? How can I help you, Alter?"

"Y-You... see... you still haven't forgotten about... that..."

"Yes? What is it?"

"Y-You see... the quest..."

"Ohh! Of course. So, are we leaving now?" Rimuru said.

"Y-Yes. I'll meet you at the command room in 30 minutes. See you!" Alter then ran away while still blushing.

'so cute. Right Ciel?'


'....what's with the reaction. Ohh? Are you mad at me?'

{No? I'm not mad.}

'But why can I feel your breathing getting heavier? No doubt, you're angry with me...'

{N-No... It's just your imagination!} Ciel then cut off the communication.

Unbeknownst to Rimuru, Ciel was currently fantasizing about the agreement she made with Velda back then.

{Ahhhh! Ahhhh~ master... you looks so cool!!!!}

Something like that? She probably said something like that. Who knows?


Alter POV

Ughhhh... what should I wear?

My first ascension, or maybe the second?

Hmmm... but... Michael!

<....what's wrong>

'Your master is Rimuru, right? Then you should know about his favorite...'

<....uhhh, first of all my master is not- I mean yes. He is my master. But, I don't know about his preferences or anything like that>

'What??? Really? Are you that useless?'

<You want to fight, girl!? Come here!!! You're the second person to piss me off besides that slime!!!>


<ehh? Ahh, ahem, no... it's nothing.>

'And you call yourself the King of Justice, the embodiment of so-called justice and the Lord of Virtues?'

<You damn woman!!! What did you say!? If I had a body, I would've used Velgrynd's Cardinal Acceleration on you!>

'Now what? First slime, and now velgrynd. Who is that?'

<She is my master older sister. Nothing special>

'Hmm? So Rimuru not only has a brother but also a sister?? Oh, I see. That's good info. You're still useful after all. Even if only a little.'


Anyway... I'll go with this dress!



Hope ya enjoy🌈

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