She-Wolf Meets the Golden Lion

Start from the beginning

Releasing the dagger, I heard it drop to the flint stone floor between us. "It would be best to place your weapons in your room during your stay, Ser." Shuffling away, I turned to leave when he coldly said, "for a brief moment, I would have mistaken you for your aunt." Breathing deeply, I gazed at him. "I heard she was strong-willed, but that was before Rhaegar took her. I wonder how long that strength lasted before...." Snarling, I snapped out, "she, like I have the wolf's blood. The blood of the North is in our veins. Our strength endures, whereas the South languishes and dies in the cold." Lifting my chin, I boldly said, "I wonder how long you would last in the untamed North, Lion." With that, I turned and walked away.

Turning the corner, I forced myself to take a deep breath as I clenched and unclenched my fists, trying to keep my temper calm, only to hear, "Ilyanna!" Stopping where I was, I took another deep breath before slowly turning around to find Mother standing behind me. "Yes, Mother," with a concerned look, she walked over to me and gently placed her hand upon my cheek as she asked, "what is wrong?" Sighing, I felt my shoulders relax as I said, "nothing." I glanced up to see her staring at me momentarily before saying, "do you know that you sigh when you wish to keep something from me." I nodded before saying, "after I had escorted Sansa and Arya to their chambers, Jaime Lannister came upon me." I watched her open her mouth to speak only to hear a voice say, "Cat."

We glance toward the voice to find Father and King Robert approaching us. Breathing deeply, I briefly glanced at Mother, who nodded that I should stay before turning to face the King and Father as she said, "your Grace." We curtsied as he came to a stop before us. Standing up, I watched him offer a bright smile to Mother before turning his head to look at me only to say, "it's a shame that your sister will be Queen, whereas you will marry a simple lord Ilyanna. You shouldn't hide her beauty away up here." Breathing softly, I stared at the King momentarily before saying, "beauty fades with time, your Grace, but I know my sister and her kind heart will do better besides your son, unlike my wild temper." With a hum, he reached out, placed his full hand against my cheek, and just stared at me for a moment before saying, "you share a passing resemblance to your mother, but I see that you have the Stark stubbornness in spades" before releasing my cheek. Nodding, I said, "so I have been told, your Grace." Chuckling, he released my cheek and continued walking. It wasn't until his footsteps grew silent did I allow my shoulders to sag in relief.

Breathing deeply, I glanced up at Father to excuse myself only to hear, "so you have given your consent to allow Sansa to wed his son," as I slowly glanced at Mother. "I have not given my consent on if Sansa will marry Prince Joffrey or to being appointed Hand of the King." With a nod, I opened my mouth to ask to be excused, only to hear, "well, until you do decide, perhaps you can learn why Jaime Lannister was following our eldest daughter," only to find both staring at me. "He was following you?" "I do not know if he was, or he just got lost, but I do hope he will think twice about sneaking up on me in the future." My parents looked confused as Father asked, "what did you do?" Mother sighed before saying, "please tell me you did not injure a guest." Annoyed, I shook my head no, saying, "I didn't hurt him, Mother, but I..." Only to hear, "but you what?" I glanced at Father only to say, "I threaten him with his dagger." Mother stared at me in shock as Father, with a faint glint of amusement in his blue eyes, asked, "how did you manage to get his dagger away from him without him noticing?" With a faint smile, I opened my mouth to reply, only to hear, "Ned!" As one, we glanced at Mother, who asked, "why did you threaten him, Ilyanna? He is a guest in our home, and you..."

I quickly said, "he implied that my brothers taught me more than simple defiance against men that desire more." Her eyes widened in surprise as I glanced at Father, saying, "what was I supposed to do? Allow his comments about our family to go unanswered by a man that breaks vows when it is most convenient for him." Only to hear, "you, young lady, will apologize and..." Huffing, I sharply said, "why should I apologize to a man that suggests my brothers, true and half-blood, take liberties with me. He should apologize to Jon, Robb, and me for his harsh words and the implications he placed behind them! More importantly, he should seek forgiveness from the Gods for suggesting such a thing would occur!" She blinked as I took another deep breath before saying, "please do excuse me, for I feel I should rest before I am forced to dine with our guest" only to walk away from them.

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