“Miserable, what now?” Tom took a deep breath.

“Alright. Today we are doing our blood and raw meat tests. I’m not saying you have to do this, but I would like after today if you would try to consume raw meat every day, maybe to see if it can stop your cravings and urges to shift.”

“God, I can not promise you that I would even try that. Ugh.” Tom shook his head at just the idea of it.

“Ok then, well, here’s what will happen today. We will start by seeing if your monster form likes fresh blood or if we can satisfy it with old blood. Then we will do the same with meat. I would say I brought a live animal to see if you would eat it, but not this time. Maybe next time.” Tord smiled.

“Please don’t do that. Try to stick things that aren’t alive.” Tom demanded.

“Ok. Well, here’s another important question. How long does it take for you to turn back to normal?” Tord asked.

“Usually a few hours, anywhere from three to seven,” Tom spoke.

“Ok, we might be here for a while. That is why I told Edd we were going to see a concert.” Tord said.

“You really told him that?” Tom complained.

“Yes, we’re running out of time to say it’s a coincidence. He’s noticing that were spending more time with each other. Saying we’re going to a concert is better than just saying we’re hanging out. Don’t you think?” Tord said.

“I guess, either way, he probably thinks it’s weird. Let’s just hope he thinks we’re becoming friends.” Tom frowned.

“Yes, now to start, you need to transform. What do you usually do to trigger transformation?”

“I usually just try to focus on letting it take over. I just sit and focus.” Tom explained.

“Ok, well, I’m gonna need you to do that while I go over here and stand away from you. Ok?” Tord asked.

“Ok, I’ll try.” Tom let his head rest against the wall. He closed his eyes and started to take deep breaths. Tord took steps backward slowly. He was filled with anticipation. Last time, I only heard his transformation. I wasn’t able to see it.

He watched as Tom’s face suddenly fell and his body went limp. Tord felt the urge to say something, but he didn’t. Suddenly, Tom’s neck snapped up to look at him. He let out a cry as he started to transform. Snap.

Tord’s eyes widened in fascination and fear as Tom started to turn. Sharp horns and fangs appeared on Tom's face, leading Tord to ponder why there was no blood. From the cracking noises to the screams of pain, one would assume it was killing Tom. I suppose that wouldn’t be ideal though, would it? Tord thought.

Tord only continued to be watching. Observing how every part of Tom was changing and how Tom’s cries of pain were changing pitch. And started to sound inhuman. Finally, the transformation ended.

The monster had its eyes locked on Tord. “Amazing,” Tord whispered.

The monster attempted to lurch forward. The chains held its attempt back and only pushed it back into the wall. It started growling at Tord loudly, trying to thrash around in the chains.

“Ha ha, you can’t even get me if you tried. You know you are not much different from how Tom normally is.” Tord observed the monster. “I wonder if you still recognize who I am. Hmmm.”

Tord started walking over to the refrigerator. He grabbed the pig’s blood out and trudged back to a table near Tom’s corner. Tord couldn’t help but get goosebumps as the monster watched his every step.

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