+ Forbidden Passions +

37 3 10

Username: @sexythevixen

Title (7/10): All I can say is that the title seems to make sense for the book. It's also a very intrigue-provoking title, as 'Forbidden' suggests an untypical love story, which I'm assuming is what you're going for based off of what I have read. I'd say good job in this category.

Cover (6/10): I think this title was on the right track for being a traditional cover with aesthetic appeal, but it fell short. It didn't seem to correlate with the main reason for the book: two people who were never supposed to be married to each other. There also seemed to be no filters on it that altered it into a higher quality image, and what also declined the quality to me also was how the title colors didn't seem to fit the color scheme.

What I suggest is getting an 'aesthetic' image from Pinterest (a lot of readers in the demographic who read those types of books tend to go for those) that correlates with the plot of the book so readers instantly see it and maybe get the vibes of it more, then playing around with some filters on Canva or another site you choose. I recommend that along with a title that compliments the color scheme (ex. if your book goes for red tones, maybe a white color scheme)

Blurb (3/10): So the blurb is just an excerpt. It's a lovely excerpt that reflects the writing style... but it doesn't tell anyone what it's about, which is a huge problem. It's like someone telling you about a great store, and when you ask what the store is and what they sell, they can't answer it. You can kind of figure out what the story is from the tags, but how many Wattpad users are going to do that?

What I suggest is that if you do want to do an excerpt is to shorten it to about three to five powerful, hooky lines, a nice little breaker, and then the gist on what the story is about. For example:

Jakob pressured my petite wrists in the constriction of his palm, bashing them into the wall above my head. "You're not going anywhere, baby girl," he sneered.

"Or else what?" I spat, challenge injecting its claws into every pitch of my voice.

"Or I'll never let you get your hot pockets from the microwave."


(Traditional blurb goes here)

I am sorry for your eyes that you had to read that.

However, I think this presents the idea I'm trying to get across. Letting readers know what they're getting is essential for a higher likelihood that they click on that, "Start reading" button.

Plot (7/10): Upon coming into the book, the plot hits you full force. In the prologue, here is a man and a woman who are husband and wife-- who are both cheating on each other, with one being insanely abusive. I was having external reactions the entire time (like when I found out they were husband and wife, I gasped and was like, "Broooo!")

Then we're thrust into the first chapter, where there is a spicy scene between the real husband and wife! But when the real wife-- Delilah-- leaves right before the wedding after betraying her husband, her sister-- Elena-- must take her place by the orders of two mothers. Sebastian, the less-than-happy husband-- immediately clashes with his new not-supposed-to-be-wife.

I pronounce this as: drama!

Spicy drama is the aspect that keeps readers reading, and there is certainly a lot of it in this book. The pacing of this is especially well, not too slow but fast enough to where you can understand what's happening while getting the plot. Really great job!

Characters (8/10):

Delilah: To me, she possessed such an air of normalcy until we find out she stole from Sebastien and ran off, which was awful. I really felt angry upon her taking this action, and evoking emotions within readers is good.

Sebastien: Granted, his situation is pretty bad and I've known him for less than ten chapters, however, I'm still angry at his attitude towards Elena. I kept thinking, "Dude, Elena got this sprung onto her as well by a very controlling set of moms (also those moms are BITCHES), of course she's going to pretend that she was the one to be wedded! What epecially creeped me out was when he said he was going to put his babies inside Elena, which honestly killed me inside.

Elena: I can immediately tell that she has a wild yet reserved side upon her walking through the door from her interactions with Delilah. She is also rather defiant towards Sebastian when he is being outwardly controlling, which I admired. I love her disdain mood, specifically when she said, "my boobs and hips were squashed into a wedding gown"

If you were going for any of these with your main characters in a short amount of chapters, amazing job!

Writing style (8/10): This was my favorite part. The use of showing is exquisite, and it especially came out at the love making scene between Sebastian and Delilah. The love he held for her was captured perfectly with absolute eye candy for diction utilized in the crafts of showing. Be very proud of yourself, my dear, this style of writing is beautiful!

Grammar/Spelling (10/10): For the first time I believe, I have nothing to say here. Grammar and spelling seem fine as far as I'm concerned, which is something else to be very proud of, love!

Chapter Length (9/10): The chapters were quickly paced yet held substance, which did it for me!

Overall Enjoyment (9/10): Based off of the reasons above, this is one of the best books I have ever reviewed on this platform. I hope you have the greatest day ever, girl, you deserve it 1000% <3

+ 𝐀𝐏𝐇𝐑𝐎𝐃𝐈𝐓𝐄: 𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐈𝐄𝐖 𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐏 +Where stories live. Discover now