+ Before I Loved Her +

48 2 4

Username: @jessica25january

Title (10/10): The title makes sense from the very beginning of the novel. I like how you tie it into the prologue to display its ultimate purpose and give readers a taste of what they're about to dive into.

Cover (6/10): This cover very much gives 2000s. If that's something you were going for, it's conveyed well. It's not what I as a Wattpad reader would consider aesthetic, but the format of the title I think is good since one can see it clearly.

This is a very minor thing, but Matt always raves about how Vanessa doesn't cake makeup on her face but the girl on the cover (who I'm assuming is Vanessa, unless this is the love story of Matt and Addison) is wearing fake eyelashes, dark eyeshadow, contour, etc. So I just thought it was odd. But again, it's a minor thing. Maybe Vanessa starts wearing makeup after the five chapters I read.

Blurb (7/10): I don't have much to say about the blurb except it definitely states what you're getting. Though I do wish the blurb would've ended with a question like, "Will Matt end up with Vanessa or the raven-haired beauty Addison?" Or something along with those lines to intrigue readers further.

Plot (3/10): Like I said, I will have no filter in any of these reviews: I was not into the plot. Maybe it's the fact I'm not into that particular cliche of a plot, but it was definitely the fact that for five chapters I was beat with the same thing repeatedly: Matt's mom died and everyone thinks he's hot now, Vanessa is insecure, and Addison is pretty friend. I got nothing else except that and no particular tea, drama, juicy moments or anything particularly showy. Literally just that. It was just a montage of several months thrown into a book dealing with the same shît every chapter. My jaw dropped when I realized there was ninety-something chapters, too, and it's STILL ongoing.

Please don't take this as me trying to 'roast' your book or your personality. My intention throughout this review is not to make you hate yourself and give up writing; some people may very much love your book. However, that was my unfiltered thoughts as a reader.

Now as a reviewer, I will suggest something to improve this story to another level in the character section.

Characters (2/10): I believe this is the ultimate host of the major issue: these people seem to have no life. Yeah, Matt's mom dies and he's hot, Addison is pretty and confident and flirty, and Vanessa's a shy timid girl but nothing else about them. I will admit I disliked Vanessa's character the most. Again, this was just my opinion; I am one person out of seven billion, and I am just a person that's not into the 'timid' main character in general.

What I suggest is giving them depth, and showing that depth in scenes when they're not with each other. Maybe Matt secretly deals painkillers to keep himself fed, and we have a chapter where he has a bad deal. Maybe Addison doesn't have a boyfriend because she's scared of how her parents marriage turned out, and we get a chapter where she hides from her fighting parents. Maybe Vanessa appears timid, but she secretly has anger issues with an annoying older brother, and we get a chapter where she throws a vase at him for making her room smell like weed.

You don't have to do any of these (it is your book, you know it way better than I ever will), but the point is that giving the characters more depth and showing that depth when they're not with each other is a vital part in helping one love the character.

Also, here's a major tip I probably should've mentioned in the plot:

The use of a moral.

Not like, "Get your man!" or, "Be confident!" or follow your dreams or something like that, but a unique one. Something that needs to be talked about in this decade or maybe something specifically personal to you. Something that has one put down this book and feel like they read something meaningful. If you establish an idea of a moral when writing, the writing tends to become more unique in my experience.

Maybe you do have a moral (I'm not sure since I only read five chapters) but I thought I'd put it out there.

Writing style (6/10): I think your writing style overall is good. Even when I wasn't into the plot, I thought it was fine. You know how to put together a complete thought in a straightforward yet nice way.

Grammar/Spelling (8/10): There are a few spelling errors (as many authors including myself have) but the grammar is correct from what I've noticed, which is better than what I've seen in most of the books I've read on this app. So I say amazing job in that aspect.

Chapter Length (6.5/10): I think what I've covered previously on the content produced in the chapters only needed to be said once, so I'll move onto saying the chapters did get long at times, but overall they were bearable.

Overall Enjoyment (5/10): Even though I personally wasn't a fan, I can see why one may be if they're into these types of those things, possibly more if the tips I give were implemented from the eyes of this reader and reviewer.

Again, this review is not meant to discourage you. Every writer has so many things to work on (myself included) and if one applies themself, they can grow. If you do, I'm certain you will, too! :)

I genuinely hope you have a great day, and you never give up writing.

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