11: Playing with water and Sighs

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I feel like the story is too slow and boring so I'm gonna make it fast. If u feel I'm rushing it (lol who would think that there aren't even any readers) please say
Word Count: 194

*one month later*

"Jimin, NO!" "Yoongi hyung, YES!" Jimin said, laughing. The boys were right now in the garden in the lawn, initially watering the plants but now playing with water. Jimin filled the plastic bucket with water and aimed it at Yoongi. "Hey, hey, hey not the bucket, no!" Yoongi exclaimed while Jimin laughed evilly. "Defend yourself hyung," he said laughing. He was about to throw the water at Yoongi but his hands slipped and the meal bucket slipped from his hands and went flying over to Yoongi. The bucket hit his head,"OW!" knocking him out. "Oh fuck."

Yu Jin Focus
Sigh. Sigh. Sigh."Stop sighing!" Jisung scolded as the other three sighed again in unison. "Hyung what are we even doing?" Yeonjun said to Jisung. "I don't know! Ask her," he said motioning towards a zoned-out Jin. "Aye Jin!" Jisung called to her as she flinched a little and looked at everyone and sighed. "Noona what are we doing?" Yeonjun asked Jin as she shrugged,"I don't know. We were supposed to practice for the concert next month." "Oh?" Seungmin said, confused. "Yeah." "Well then, let's start!" "But Nayeon-" Yeonjun was cut off by an irritated Jisung,"We can practice without that bitch." Yu Jin sighed. "Let's just start practicing."

This chapter is just a filler but dw! Theres an important chapter upcoming kekeke

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