Chapter 7

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"Don't talk to me now, I'll explain things later," I said not looking at the puzzled faces of Xan and Jae, 

"But we are going to end up in the same compartment for the prefect meeting," Jae reasoned,

"Walk away now," I said and pushed them off the way as I got in the train, but not before shoving a letter into the book Jae was holding. Hopefully the idiots noticed.

I slowly walked through the train and found the Head Girl just as the engine started. Few minutes later Xan and Jae joined me and the other prefects. Xan gives me a tiny nod and I blink my eyes once acknowledging him. 

He and I were the only slytherin prefects who bothered to show up, no surprise there. Rowan and Athena the head boy and head girl explained us our duties, responsibilities and of course perks. We went through curfew timings one last time before I dashed out. I cannot have Professor Snape suspect me still not cutting ties with Xan and Jae. 

A foreign feeling lodged in my chest as I looked over my shoulder to see Xan whacking Jae's head as they walked away. This was my first time returning to Hogwarts without them, and it sucked. 

Sighing I continued as I still had to find a seat. My eyes flitted around in search, the only seat I could spot was in a compartment filled with first years. Great.

I settled myself in but the little demon spawns kept on talking to me, I'm already missing Xan's silence and Jae's humming.

"Why are you sitting with us?"

"Don't you have friends?"

"I don't like your perfume,"

"Your hair looks weird,"

I resisted the urge to scoff and roll my eyes till they hit the ground, but I remember the shiny prefect badge sitting on my chest. Play nice, the angel on my shoulder spoke as the devil retreated in shaking his head.

"If I buy a Cauldron Cake will you leave me alone?" I asked looking at the spawns around me, 

"Throw in a pumpkin pasty for each of us and you're good," the girl answered innocently smiling at me,

"A chocolate frog for me," One of the boys added,

I glared at them but nevertheless got off my seat in search of the food trolley, if I had to spend a few galleons for silence so be it.

This day was already awful and only one thing could make it worse, and given my rotten luck the one thing happened.

I felt a pair of silver grey eyes on me from the periphery and my legs involuntarily came to a halt. I felt a certain heat rising around my neck. I slowly lifted my head up towards the compartment diagonally infront of me, the boy with platinum blonde hair was still staring at me, his body splayed over Parkinson's lap. His face was completely blank of emotions, yet his stare was unwavering.

This was utmost communication Draco Malfoy and I had in the past several months. For a moment everything else around me blurred, the chatter around me reduced to a low buzz and the only thing I could focus on were his eyes. Oh how I used to look forward to seeing them. He pursed his lips lightly, as though he was controlling himself from saying something.

My heart thudded against my chest, I clenched my hands painfully as my nails dug into my palm. In that moment I knew we were both at the same place, at least mentally, the east tower. Black ink sky, the food he sneaks from the kitchens against my refusal, the sound of his genuine laughter and his eyes looking into mine as we talked about everything and nothing. Snap out of it, I told myself, he's an arsehole, a bully and a poor excuse of a human being it's a good thing what you had stopped. Yet a corner of my heart experienced a foreign ache.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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