Chapter 2

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Timeline: 18 June, 1996

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Timeline: 18 June, 1996

Hayley's POV

"Absolutely not!" Harry snarled,

"I'm sorry what?" I scoffed indignantly,

"You are not bloody coming with me to the ministry," He said rubbing his eyes as though he was handling a tantrum throwing child. I was not a child, on the other hand my brother could use some rationality.

"Since when did you think you could make decisions for me?" I asked my nostrils flaring. In the background, I could hear Ron and Ginny having a similar argument.

"You don't even support the idea of me going, then why the hell would you come along?" He asked letting out a frustrated sigh,

"I care about Sirius just as much as you do! But I think Sirius is pretty capable of handling himself, at least till help arrives, he has done this before. So I doubt he would need our help, he's a member of the boody order of phoenix!" I said.

Harry opened his mouth to argue, but I beat him to it.

"Secondly, I am right to suggest that we do not waltz into the ministry. If  Voldemort indeed has Sirius captive there, then the whole place will be crawling with Death Eaters. You are daft to think you can face them yourself. At least this way, we have the numbers and we will be able to put up somewhat of a decent fight," I spoke breathlessly.

I'd rather we don't go at all, but I know Harry was going to go no matter what happens. He has a saviour complex, but I don't think now is the time to bring up his psychological issues.

"She's right, how will you three be able to fight off a dozen death eaters?" Ginny said, ignoring Ron who was still talking her out of coming,

"Thank you!" I yelled, gesturing my hand to Ginny.

"Harry she's right, we're all in the DA together, and we want to help," Neville said determinedly,

"That's right!" Luna perched along.

I'd never actually been to any of the DA meetings. I couldn't risk getting spotted by my house and I don't think the others would've been very happy to have a Slytherin amidst them, since our house was 'pro-Umbridge'. Neville and Luna don't even know why I'm here, and it is blatantly visible that they are curious but I appreciate that they didn't question it. 

I haven't told anyone about me being a Potter, not even the two people closest to me, Xan and Jae, my best friends. They had a right to know, with how much they've been there for me since my first year, but I just could never come about a way to break it to them. 

Also, I don't think Dumbledore would be awfully merry if I did. Harry hasn't broken my identity to Ron and Hermione yet, but he has signified that we have a fairly important presence in each other's lives.

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