Chapter 6

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I quietly followed Professor Snape as he lead the way to Grimmauld Place. I was growing more and more nervous with every minute passing. Professor wasn't a person of many words but I knew this was just the calm before the storm. I rubbed my hands against my coat as I felt my fingers turning cold, I should've expected this, especially after talking to him the way I did on the last day of term. But I wasn't anything if not my father's daughter.

After fifteen or so minutes we finally reached. I was not a fan of Dumbledore, but I would agree for anyone to be there right now if that meant I didn't have to deal with Professor alone. As soon as I entered the house its musty smell hit my nose. I lingered at the entrance as I looked around, everything was the same since the last time I'd been there. Someone had put a curtain over Sirius's mum's portrait, otherwise she would be screaming what a disgrace I am to be besmirching the noble house of the blacks. 

I was standing in the exact same spot Sirius hugged me goodbye last christmas break.                 

A wave of emotion hit me as I looked around me, he may have hated this house, but I can't help but see it as a reminder of him, afterall he did leave the house in my and Harry's name. 

By the time I went in the house Professor Snape was already sitting at one end of the table, I chose the seat opposite from him, far down the table.

"I thought Professor Dumbledore was also going to be here?" I asked looking around, like he might just popup from one of the hallways,

"He wasn't able to make it, and I'm more than capable of handling this chat alone don't you think?" He said, his eyes pinning me, 

I cursed under my breathe. 

"What was that?" he asked raising a brow,

"Nothing," I quickly covered up with a blank expression,

"So let's go over what happened shall we? The Dark Lord manipulated visions in Potter's head, and he blindly believed it without a second thought, and took you and a bunch of other buffoons to the ministry-"

"He didn't make any of us come, we were the ones persisted," I corrected,

"Oh that makes everything better now does it?" He asked with a scowl, he continued,

"It only proves how you didn't stop to think for even a second-"

"How could I let him go alone?!!" I raised my voice cutting him off once again, deep down I knew what I did was wrong, that it was idiotic, but I also lacked the ability to control my tongue when I'm being told off, ask Remus.

"I dare you to interrupt me once more," He said his voice dropping an octave, I pressed my lips and looked at the table, I know how to pick my battles.

"Every single deatheater saw you that night," He said, insinuating every single syllable, "The darklord saw you that night," 

"And every one of them asked why were you there, and more importantly who you were. A girl with seemingly no relations with Potter and his friends, why?" He continued, I clenched my hands together and raised my look at him, it was my mistake might as well own up to it,

"Well for one, Voldemort has already seen me so-" I started

"And how do you think that plays out in your favor, it only creates suspicion," He stated

"Have you got any idea, how difficult it was for me to come up with an excuse for that?" He continued,

I took a deep breathe before replying,

"Professor I understand I made a mistake and I'm really sorry, I will never put in that position again," I promised. I really screwed up big time, enough to threaten his position as the double agent. So I'm going to stop trying to one up him.

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