Chapter 5

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Getting back from Hogwarts, we crashed at Xan's place for the night. We woke up early and took a quick detour to diagonalley. We visited Gringotts to convert some gold to muggle money.

 It took me some time to convince Remus. After lots of coaxing and promises that that I would write to him every other day, and would intimate him or Harry the moment something goes wrong.

Xan also took quite some time to convince his mum, but his brother interrupted by saying anywhere was more safe than Britain right now. Xan's mum couldn't pile anything on that, so she let him go, but not before peppering his whole face with kisses. Jae disguised his snickering with a cough, thankfully no one but Xan noticed.

Viola Sayre was a tall women with sleek blonde hair, oval face, a sharp nose and piercing blue eyes. She was also the epitome of class. You would never find her over or under dressed. The way she carries herself is what adds to her charm. She is why my clothes don't include of just sweatshirts and tracksuits. 

"A girl needs a dress for every occasion Hayley, and of course shoes,"   She told me once, when she took me on an impromptu trip to fricking Bond Street for my last birthday.

It would be an understatement to say that I love her.

"For merlin's sake mum, I'm going to Korea, not the Europa, I'll be fine," He said irritably, Viola sighed and pulled both me and Jae also in for a hug, catching as by surprise. 

"I have no doubt Jae's grandparents will keep an eye, but still look out for each other," She said looking at us, 

"Sure Viola," I promised, 

"Of course," Jae added,

"And you! be on your best behaviour," Mrs. Sayre wagged her perfectly polished finger at Xan,

"Don't worry Mrs. Sayre, I will make sure Xan keeps his over gelled head out of trouble," Jae said,

Xan smacked him on the head and rolled his eyes, Viola gave him an icy glare, she wasn't even talking to me but I could feel my eyes bulging, she could be really scary when she wanted to be.

Xan muttered a sorry under his breath.

"You don't have anything to worry about, my father and mother will take good care of them, although don't be surprised when they return with a few extra pounds," Jae's father said with a chuckle, 

Jae's father, Mr. Choi Hwan, is a tall man with a lithe physique and kind eyes, with a constant pleasant look on his face,

"Oh I have no doubt, thank you so much for this again, it is very gracious of you," Viola said sincerely,

"It's nothing," Mr. Choi said, waving his hand off and took a look at his watch,

"It's getting a bit late, so I suggest we leave now, we will be using a portkey and will land on the foot of Hallasan, where my dad will be waiting with his car," Mr. Choi said.

After few more goodbyes, we walked to a deserted street and touched the portkey, a very thick gold chain.

After blurs and a tinge of nausea we crashed on soft grass as we landed.  And just like that, we were almost half way across the world. Even after all these years, magic never failed to surprise me.

The whole area was covered in the orange and purple hues of the setting sun, from a distance a man with greying hair waved at us.

"Harabeoji!" Jae screamed and ran to hug who I assume is his grandad, Jae's grandad hugged him with equal vigor and gave out a hearty chuckle. He looked like the older version of Jae's father. The same kind eyes and cheerful persona.

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