silent cries || fnaf movie story (angst)

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  ( author note: this is a very short story based on the fnaf movie. by the time i have wrote and published this, the movie is NOT out yet. this is just a type of scene i would wanna see in the movie, i don't really care on how much blood it'll have for a horror movie, but i wanna see it go in more depth on the story. how does mike feel after losing his sister? how does he cope? how does his mind think after not knowing what actually happened to her? im really excited for the movie and im excited on how much emotion and character arc we will see, ive loved the series for a long time and i can not wait! and of course, this chapter contains A LOT OF ANGST)


mike ran his cold hands through his unbrushed dark brown messy hair.

how long has it been? weeks? months?

it's hard to keep count in a situation like this. it all feels so sudden still.

he leaned back in his chair, as it let out a silent creak. although, due to how quiet it was, it was almost the loudest thing in the house. well it was.

and it shouldn't be.

what happened to the noises of her crayons being harshly dragged along the paper?

what happened to her voice asking him when dinner would be ready?

what happened to the loudness of the televisions speakers blaring of the cartoons she used to watch out in that lounge room? the lounge room he hasn't stepped foot in since...

since the incident.

he held his hand onto his chin for a minute; with nothing on his mind. he can't think. he hasn't been able to think for so long.

the little digital clock next to him; sitting on his dusty desk read out in bright red numbers, '9:26 pm'.

it would've been her bedtime 26 minutes ago.

the time she'd always complain about.

mikes eyes drifted away from the clock; as he then locked his eyes onto a spot of dust.

he hasn't cleaned that table in so long.

it was collected with dust, with scrunched paper balls sitting in random places, as well as pens and pencils thrown everywhere. the tin holder for them was tipped over; almost about to roll off the brown desk that was illuminated by an fluttering yellow light.

one of the papers were underneath the table, sitting near the far end; against a wall.

it was a picture with two stick figures , one with short hair, wearing a green sweater. and one next to the other one, it was shorter, with longer hair and wearing a pink hoodie. the figures were standing next to a house , above the drawing was badly written text, reading 'abby and big brother mike, at new house!' draw with red crayon. the paper grew yellow overtime , it was quite an old drawing. it might've been pinned to the wall once.


once when she was there. with him. with her brother.

with a sigh, mike kicked his foot, stretching out his leg. he closed his eyes; putting his arms over his face, leaning his head down onto the table.

he had no idea where she was. but he knows what happened. he knows where she went at first. but that was a long while ago. and it's driving him insane not knowing what's happened to her as he sits here , soaking into his depression. was she hurt? was she safe? is she even... breathing?

officer vanessa told him he couldn't do anything. all access to the place was restricted. she is HIS sister, why is it he can't do it himself? he'd probably already done it by now. she'd be found. she'd be with mike at home. she'd be back to safety. the police and authorities aren't doing a thing to give the help that mike really needs. that abby really needs.

vanessa just says it's a stage of grief. him being at 'denial.' or whatever it was she said. he wasn't paying attention. he can't give a damn about what anyone says right now. not anymore.

he needs his only family to be safe. he needs his little sister to be okay.

and to him; it feels like nobody cares. nobody in the world has ever cared. it's always been him on his own; him and abby against the world. and right now the world won't let him do anything. the world took his little sidekick away from him. the world has never cared, why are they pretending they care now? when they clearly don't. they haven't cared since he was born. and if they all DID care, she would've been found right now. found safe and sound.

everything was just getting on his nerves. nobody knows what they're doing. he then uncovered his face. and let some tears slip from his eyes, followed by an audible sob.

it's not fair. none of this is fair.

this pain that he felt, it's nothing compared to anything he's felt in his life. his heart felt like it was ripped out of his chest, he couldn't feel a single thing. he couldn't hear anything anymore. he couldn't speak. he can't even think. everything's just silent. it all hurts so much.

mike sat down, sulking in his chair, with continuous cries let out.

as the light flickered some more, a single pen rolled off his desk, rolling next to the drawing under the desk.

he couldn't bare the deep pit of it all anymore. his only family was ripped away from him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2023 ⏰

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