I grumbled again as Link got to his feet.

"Do you have enough strength to keep going today?"

"What kind of question is that?"

He chuckled, his eyes glowing.

"Well, if you're ready to try again, we can keep going."

He moved in front of me, then held out his hands.

"I can't get myself up."

"Have you tried doing it today?"

I grumbled yet again as I took his hands.

"Just remember to breathe. And if you need to stop, just let my hands go, okay."

My grip tightened as I took a shaky breath.

"Whenever you're ready."

I took another breath, before pulling forward whatever strength I had left to get up. Link stayed put, pulling back as I struggled.

I lifted from the chair, but fell back.

"Let yourself rest, then try again."

"He's so patient with me... why...?"

I tried again, getting further up. He squeezed my hands reassuringly as my grip tightened again.

"One more time," he whispered.

"Take a deep breath."

My breath was as shaky as ever as I squeezed my eyes shut.

"Try looking up instead of at the ground this time."

I slowly lifted my head, our eyes meeting. He nodded, his smile gentle. I grit my teeth, then took a deep breath.

Slowly, slowly, I lifted myself up. And when I stopped rising, I fell into Link.

"See? If you're patient with yourself, you can do it."

"Yeah, and now I'm out of breath and exhausted."

"I guess that's one way to get her to sleep," Zelda chuckled.

I rolled my eyes, before closing them.

"Do you have any energy to walk a little more?" Link asked.

"If I push myself..."

"What about two more steps? Let's finish up with that, then we'll get you back in bed."

He slowly stepped away, holding out his arms as my support. Zelda moved to my side, ready to help if needed.

"Just take a couple steps for me. We're here if you fall."

"Thanks, I needed that confidence boost."

His smile widened as I looked down at the floor.

"Nope, don't look at the floor. Just look at me."

"How am I supposed to know where I'm stepping?"

"That wasn't a problem before."

"Yeah, cause my body wasn't failing me..."

He lifted my chin up, our eyes meeting.

"You can do it, MeyMey!" Zelda cheered.

Slowly, reluctantly, I took a small step forward.

"One more," he whispered.

I grit my teeth as my body shook. I looked down again, my breath coming short.

"I'll catch you."

I looked back up, then took another step. My body grew weak as Link caught me again, before lifting me up.

"And tomorrow, we'll let you rest."

"I don't have time to-"

"You pushed yourself today. So you need to let yourself rest."

He set me in my bed, propping up the pillows. I got settled, before glancing at Zelda.

"Do you even have enough rupees to stay here for so long?"

Zelda giggled as she set the chairs back.

"That's a secret. Don't tell anyone."

I heard a clink, then glanced at her bag. A rupee pouch sat inside, nearly full. Slowly, I looked back at her as she closed up the bag, stashing it with the others.

"Now, we're gonna get you lunch. So don't move until we get back."

"It's not like I have an option."

They turned and headed outside with the other guests. I watched everyone head out, before resting my head against the pillow.

"You're doing amazing so far, Amethyst. Not many people could make as much progress as you have."

"I've hardly done anything, though."

"But that little bit is still so much. You will improve faster than you think."

"Thanks, I guess?"

Urbosa chuckled as her voice grew quiet. I rested my hands on my stomach, twiddling with my thumbs as I waited.

"You're almost there, MeyMey. You're almost there."

~ * ~

When I was working on this chapter, I kept thinking of the first time I had surgery back in 2021. It took a few months before I could move around like I used to, and I did get really frustrated. I like to go fast, but I couldn't while I was still recovering hehe I just had to be patient until I'd recovered enough. It was a struggle though lolol

 It was a struggle though lolol

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