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I'm tired.
I'm about to be 26 in 2 months and all I can say is I'm tired.
I've been spoiled rotten and have damaged those memories but have I been happy?
All I can say for these past years is that I'm tired.
Afraid, a bit lost but tired
When I  pictured my future this isn't what I saw
I fantasied so much for what I wanted back then
I guess this is kinda like that saying "never meet your hero's "
I'm not where I wanted to be
Im not feeling like I used to
I'm tired a bit drained but just tired.
I'm not sure where to start to find my trail back
I sometimes wonder if I have the energy to start
Is the only thing holding me here my parents?
What happens when they aren't here?
I'm afraid of what could come.
Why am I so afraid of a Mistep, mistake?
Since when did I become so fragil that I apologize for being who I am?
I'm afraid for the next chapter because of the damage that has been done.
I find myself longing..maybe I should run? Or is it more polite to walk?
Where would I go
Would I still feel this tired?
I wonder if this is all I am
Or if I can be more, find more
I don't wanna become what I feared and hated
But I'm lost in being tired and alone.
My heart is full at times...
Most, it feels like there's only a drop to only hydrate me like a reminder of those times.
Filled on faint, tainted memories
I feel myself closing from this
Like slowly dying from something that has been burning way past than it needs to be
But when the moment happens, I coward and am lost once more. Just smiling
I need to accept that I'm tired and lost.
I need to accept that I'm just ..

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