20 - Cooking Contest

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Cleo's POV

A new day a new friend a new enemy...

I hope not a new enemy...

Oh yah speaking of enemy's what happened to Dante?

Its 7 in the morning

Whats up with me and my early waking up stuff?

I walked down stairs started the coffee and I made some chicken soup...

I did not know I had chicken...

I looked at the clock in the kitchen wall

8:23 ah now I should serve breakfast

I took a sip of my coffee as I marched upstairs yo wake everyone up

After having a normal screaming and yelling waking up routine we been having for some reason we all sat down at the dining table to eat...

Well most of us sat up on the dinning table

The table can fit about 6 at max

So I let yona yun Kris (we talked that'd how I know her name now) sit first so now there's 3 spots left

"Cleo you should sit in the table" zeno said pull in the chair back

"Nah its fine now why don't we have zeno sit there?" I said smiling for in a Long time a True smile

I saw Sam grabbing her bowl of soup as she was about to sit in the chair next to Yona when I grabbed her shirt from the back

"Tisk tisk you sit here" I put her down on the small table you eat st where there's room for 4 the table we used to eat at upstairs.

"Why?... Ohhhhhh becasue of HaYo"

I covered RR mouth

"Be happy no one of the AnY guys understand that" jeaha interrupted me

"But me"

"Eh? Come again?" I said sitting next to Sam who is on my right as for jeaha he's across from me

"I know about this I learned it"

"Oh how prepared you are oh and hak sit next to yona" I command

He obeyed

Everyone laughs

"Haha I can't believe I'm still using my old tricks"

Kija sat on the table so it was shinah jeaha Sam and I at the table

"Cleo.. Your soup... tastes good" shinah said as he asked for seconds

"But not good as mine!" Yun said over hearing our conversation

"Oh really?"


"AH I KNOW LETS HAVE A COOKING CONTEST!" Kiki said getting up from her seat

Yun and I glared at each other

"Okay then yun why don't we have a dinner contest the 5 dragons are the judges we make one dish you can go buy anything you want from the grocery store we will have Ryan pay" yun grins

Ryan was in the emo corner saying stuff like "you only need me for money....." And such

"Deal so is there a theme?" He asks shaking my hand

"Um... Someone choice"

"Ah I know both of you are good at making soup right? How about you guys do a soup base?" Kris said as she finshes her last bit of the soup

Future with Akatsuki no Yona -Im Stuck in AnY Sequel-Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora