3 - Preparing Time

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Cleo's POV

I ran out and got onto my Red Mustangs GT car (not a car person =|)

By the time I turned on the engine and turned on the AC everyone came out.

Sam has the same model car expect for the color she has Yellow

Its a long story....

"So who's getting on where?" Sam asked as everyone literally lined up in a line

"Um I don't know yona hak yun and kija iide with me the rest of U get on Sam's car"

As we did we headed to Tiger Hill High only about a 10 min drive

For bus about 15 mins?

I stated to realized that everyone looked....


"What do U mean Normal Cleo?"

"Opss said that out loud"

"Well I felt this weird sensation when we fell in the hole like information was given to me"

"Ah that's what Mom did... NVM were here"

Everyone got out

There's one thing on my mind

If we are making them take the rest and such and trying to blend in its gana take forever...

2 weeks..

We walked in and Mrs drew was there waiting

"There U areaaaaahh wow there quite good looking and they are all 17?"

"Ah yes sorry were kinda late"

"Its find could U write down the names age and gender" I handed her the paper Sam printed out

"Oh looks like ull all set I'll be right there go ahead to the conference room"

"Okay" everyone followed me

While we were I have been holding back jeaha's prverted side....

We all took a seat

"Oh hello Cleo my name is Mrs Adam the Principal U already know but .... Anyways I heard the story from mrs Drew the students can attend here's the deal if they pass they for next year I will allow them to stay for the AC program we do have 200 kids usually but of course if they fail they do to class C"

Our school is ranked from A B C

I'm A for my amazing smartness so is everyone Sam kiki sora and Ryan

"I understand"

"Cleo I give U 3 1 week for the test then we will print the schedule I can help with arranging them to have them have the same classes from U"

"Thank U so much and my dad would personal come here but it seams there is a emergency cuss he's a doc au know.. A emergency patient"

"I do and its fine please help them be prepared and then I will imidatly get the schedule :D also be here at 8 sorry there is s meeting at 11 and we give them 2 house and with the little time we have we will choice the schedule and I can prepare"

"Of course"

"Im looking forward to it"

Mrs drew came in and was like apologize for not coming sooner

and I noticed everyone was (yona and others) where shocked of how I spoke..

The day we got home and they acted more me like more modern time like

Future with Akatsuki no Yona -Im Stuck in AnY Sequel-Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu